Being a person who does not buy meat from any supermarket, I am a person who advocates hunting, AS LONG AS THE ENTIRE ANIMAL IS USED FOR SOMETHING, And the animal is killed as painlessly as possible. Animals deserve more respect than most people do.
The organs can be made into a slurry for animal food, and the liver can be eaten like a steak.
The hide can make clothing.
The bones can be used for a multitude of things, such as carving. You can also powder them and use it as a base for certain fertilizers
The brain can be used to make a tanning slurry for the hides (not human skin tanning)
The meat can be frozen and eaten as time permits.
Antlers can be used to make tools
The sinew can be used to make bowstring
The hooves can be boiled and used as dog treats, or they can be boiled and made into deck soap
The fat can be boiled and mixed with certain ingredients to make body soap.