First be a good example. Eat the vegan diet and become very muscular, energetic, learn to do flips, healthy(never get sick, be sanitary, try to avoid injury), happy, and attract lots of friends as a result. Also get some healthy muscular vegan friends to show them.
After they see how much your life has improved after being vegan, they might start considering become vegans.
Cook vegan meals for them and offer them vegan food multiple times a day, they should be grateful and try it.
There are many vegan “meats, eggs, and cheese” that you could try if needed.
Eventually you should be able to gradually replace all the meals they eat with vegan alternatives that they will prefer the taste, faster preparation, cheaper cost, higher nutrition, more energy, and feeling better.
Every time after they eat vegan meal reward them, smile, say good job, do something nice for them, and if they go a whole day vegan give them more rewards, a whole week even more rewards.
After they eat vegan for a while a realize how much better they feel and how much better it tastes, they might stay vegans.
You can also show them videos of how eating animal based food is one of the top causes for all the world's problems.
If someone does something you don’t like:
1. Don't reward the bad behavior.
2. Correct, show them why it's wrong.
3. Redirect: by example show them better alternatives for them to copy you.
4. Ignore if they continue the bad behavior
5. Reward when they do the good behavior.
Eat a variety of fruit, veg, beans, nuts, seeds, grains
-refrigerated pro-biotic a good quality one.
-consider a high quality digestive enzyme (especially if your 50+yrs old or have health issues)
-multi vitamin (good tasting naturally flavored chewable) Read the ingredients, make sure you are getting all your daily nutrients.
-b complex supplement (if your multi vitamin does not provide 100%+recommended dose of the b vitamins)
-flax seed oil or hemp oil pill (for omega 3)
-calcium+d supplement (if multi vitamin does not provide 100%+, good tasting naturally flavored chewable)
-Vitamin C
-Consider getting a protein shake mix or protein bars (try to get one that is healthy)
-edemame/soybeans, there is dry snack form that is like eating nuts, and there is dry chocolate covered snack form.
Grow all your own food and encourage them to grow all their own food too, fresh taste better and that's going to get them to want to eat more plant based food fresh out of the garden since it taste better, easier, faster, cheaper, healthier...
use rain water or purified grey water(used shower/sink water) for irrigation. Consider plastic tube drip irrigation with automatic timer and rain sensor solar powered.
If you don't have a lot of space, get 1 of each type of ultra dwarf(only gets 4-6foot tall) self fruiting/self fertile(meaning you only need 1 and not 2 to have food) food tree that will grow in your zone. Get organic non-gmo.
Search perennial vegetables for your zone. Especially plant edible perennials they don't die over winter.
Search regrowing vegetables.
Grow mint, herbs, leafy greens, beans, small root veg, inside by the window. Reflective material can be added to help them more.
Search solar dehydrator and solar oven (it doesn't use electricity or solar panels, only uses heat from sun)
Get a dehydrator or freeze drier, and stream pressure canner, to dry and jar food from garden for winter.
Many plant based foods contain protein, beans, nuts, and some grains are high in protein, soybeans have more protein than meat.
It's illegal for your parents to not let you go vegan, it's illegal for them to force feed you animal products, if they are doing so they have to go to prison now!
Daisy is a liar, it's obvious, all you have to do is look at all the sick obese meat eaters vs the healthy vegans, probably because daisy sells animal products. On average there are more meat eaters that are vitamin deficient, vegan foods have more vitamins in them, and you can't get the recommended dose of b12 in a standard meat based diet, b 12 is made by bacteria not animals. Some plants contain some b12 on them.
Vegan diet is obviously the cheapest way to eat. Anyone who tells such obvious lies against vegan diets are probably selling animal products or being sarcastic. Just switch your job to making plant based foods or something else it's not that hard.
Human's bodies are designed to eat plants not meat, carnivores can chase down an animal by running after it, catch it with it's mouth, then eat it the whole thing raw as one meal, humans can't. Compare the bodies of herbivores vs meat eater and humans match herbivores.