I am NOT condoning the abhorrent treatment of animals in modern society in anyway, but there is a significant difference.
The Nazi genocide performed during WWII was based on hatred and bigotry and resulted in the murder of over 6 million human beings. Although I DO believe that animals should be treated with respect and consideration, but no matter how friendly, cute or intelligent an animal is, it is not a human being and humans killing humans is ALWAYS far more horrific then the killing of animals. The Nazi's killed out of cowardice, anger, bigotry and ignorance. On the other hand, the killing of animals to reduce population levels is based on survival.
There is no doubt that what the Nazis did was EVIL!!! Whether you define evil from a religious perspective or a more secular philosophical based perspective, bigotry is a sure fire no-no. On the other hand, MOST people, even the majority of animal rights advocates put the welfare of human beings above those of non-human animals.
That said, although most vegetarians and vegans try to disagree, scientifically, human beings are omnivores. Humans are designed by nature to eat both animals and plants. Unless you have a medical reason for omitting animal products from your diet, your decision is illogical and UNNATURAL. If you choose to eat this way, then that is your choice and you have to live with it, it's not my choice to make for you and it doesn't affect me or adversely affect humanity as a whole so do what you like. In that same vain, you could choose to smoke, do drugs, have unprotected promiscuous sexual encounters or perform any number of other illogical activities that I disagree with and that's entirely up to you. MOST people eat meat because it is what humans are suppose to do. Lions eat meat because they need to and so do I. Likewise, if a lion needs to kill an animal to survive, it does so. If an over population of deer would lead to in increase in disease in the area, defoliation due to over feeding and eventually to a long slow death of many deer and other herbivores due to starvation, then the killing of the deer in that area vie hunting parties, where the deer are killed quickly (in comparison to long, slow starvation) is a reasonable answer.
COULD we come up with a better solution. Maybe.
SHOULD we try. YES! Emphatically!
SHOULD we wait until we have a new, better solution or the situation gets out of hand? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Remember, one of the major reasons for animal overpopulations are humans beings intruding on the natural habitat of these animals. The population of mountain lions, wolves, bears, badgers and other predatory and scavenging animals are reduced and the numbers of the prey animals increase until there is an ecological disaster. This IS bad.
Should we find a way to live in harmony with nature. YES! (Of course, this would include us HUNTING for our food, but we all have to make sacrifices.)
But the problems that we have today need to be fixed now.
On the other side of the coin, soon, like in the next few hundred years, humanity is going to be faced with a NEW issue, that is if we haven’t killed most of ourselves off with a massive war by then. What will we do when the resources of this world can’t sustain our population growth any more. Will we start 'hunting' humans. Hmm. It should be interesting. I am just glad I wont be here to see it.
I hope this helps.