PETA's videos opened my eyes and turned me into an animal rights advocate. I remember when I first saw those videos (esp the Chinese fur farm) I couldn't believe what people are capable of. Chilling.
Ten ways to help PETA
1. Write or e-mail companies that do animal testing. Explain why you're never buying their products again. These are the companies that do animal tests:
2. Protest when the circus comes to your town. Post flyers and hand out flyers explaining why people should boycott the circus.
3. Write to newspapers (letters to the editor) about animal issues. Try to find stories in the paper that somehow can relate to animal issues.
4. Become a member of PETA and donate to PETA, if you can.
5. Order leaflets and pamphlets. Give them to people who are walking by in a busy area or at school (if you are a student). Leave leaflets everywhere - on buses, trains, etc.
6. Check the PETA alerts on the main page ( and take action.
7. Only contribute to health charities that don't test on animals. When you see a company supporting a charity that tests on animals, write to them and ask them to support a humane charity instead. Charity info:
8. Become an online activist! Upload PETA's videos to YouTube, MySpace, your personal page, whatever! These are PETA's videos:
9. Boycott companies that PETA is protesting. KFC, Burberry, Lowe's, Iams, and Mars (candy) are a few.
10. Go to PETA's website for animal activists - There are loads of suggestions.
You could eat less meat if you are not willing to completely stop eating meat. Fake meat is a good replacement. Remember everyone is a hypocrite in some way and it's better support animal rights and eat some meat than to not help animals at all. :D