How much slaughterhouses kill animals "ethically"?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How much slaughterhouses kill animals "ethically"?
Twelve answers:
2009-09-02 17:22:36 UTC
I think the same thing! I watched the same video as you and I say that the people that do that have NO right to! Pigs are smarter them 3 year old children. People slaughter pigs and they DO know what is happening! How would the people(who kill animals)feel if we actually did the same thing to them? It would hurt them just as it hurt cows,pigs,birds,deer,sea animal,etc,etc,etc. If you become a vegetarian you are saving 98 animals per year. It does not sound true,but think of it this way.You eat a chicken leg,you have to kill that one animal to just get that one piece of food! Fish! You go fishing and you get a bite, then you reel it up and unhook it.If it is big enough, You put in your pale.That poor fish would be in the water swimming around happily! I know fish are not that smart,but they and animals! They have eyes,a brain, and breath!
2009-09-02 16:57:39 UTC
DAH!!! How can you kill ethically???

Get the Vegetarian Starter Kit from -

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
2009-09-02 17:17:41 UTC
No slaughterhouses kill ethically.

Killing is not ethical.
2009-09-02 16:13:30 UTC
You should look into Kosher slaughterhouses. Everything you saw in that video does NOT happen in Kosher slaughter, that's the whole point!

In Kosher slaughter the animal is held and comforted without knowing what is going on. In this way there is no endorphine release when the pain hits and no tensing of the muscles from fear (which toughens the beef). While the animal is held a slit of the throat makes for instant death, not traumatic, more like a sleep.
2009-09-02 15:41:54 UTC

ethical slaughter=oxymoron
2009-09-03 05:15:56 UTC
There are Some Animals that are Killed in the Kosher Killing methods and Halal Methods which are said to be a human way of Slaughter.


Kosher Meats

Kosher Foods

Kosher and Halal are the best safe and humane way to kill animals
Cher and Cher alike
2009-09-02 20:00:36 UTC
Mamap I'm confused. Are you saying this video was taken at a kosher house?

Edit: Okay, no it's not necessarily, since I've seen these type things attached to non-kosher houses.


My understanding is that the kosher slaughter houses are not doing this kind of thing. It wouldn't be kosher anymore. (I don't know about Empire's activities.)

If they are, it does need to be brought to awareness because the whole Jewish community would be outraged, those who keep kosher & those who don't.


It does also behoove Jewish folks to support animal rights to decent deaths in non-kosher houses. There is a lot of gross stuff that happens & even if we aren't eating from there, it's still important to act. I personally buy kosher or organic meat where I'd checked out the label & learned more about the life & death of the animals. (Not too hard, my sister does it then reports to us what we're allowed to buy. Most are from local farms.) (For eggs she got her own happy chickens....though I'm not sure they're happy about the new dog chasing them.) I'm not perfect about checking every label, but I start mostly with only non-large production labels. I've tried vegan a # of times but it doesn't physically work for me.


Peta however, I don't trust or care to support. They do human rights violations in the name of animal rights. They oversell their point with manipulated data.

They drew my ire during their campaign to show Jews going like sheep to the slaughter during the Holocaust as the same things as animals being killed (& not specifically killed badly, just killed for food.) No matter what one thinks of eating animals, to be that inhumane to the live survivors & memory of all 11 million killed was gross. Also grossly inappropriate because animals aren't slaughtered out of hatred & being made less human, but only for food. Since then I've seen activities that mimmiced that level of inhumanity to humans in other areas (I've got a mind block on it all.)

There are other animal rights groups. Those are the ones to look for & support. If it's happening in kosher slaughter houses, it has nothing to do with kosher style killing which is humane when done correctly, but everything to do with proper monitoring by the certifiers. That can be pressured.


Those complaining about kosher killing often have no idea what it is. I haven't seen an instance in YA of a griper using an actual video let alone one from a kosher house. The stuff done at non-kosher houses is gross enough where animals aren't fully stunned before killing. Yet they'll claim that stunning is better than a quick slit to the throat. The complaints aren't about kosher killings but about Jews & anything they perceive to be Jewish.


To asker - there is a lot written on this topic. There's a whole human rights group dedicated to it that's well connected. (I spoke to them a couple years ago & got specific questions answered.) I don't remember the name, but if you search for it, you should find a lot more & how to get activitely involved.

There's an author Dr. Temple Grandin who's autistic but works heavily in animal rights. She may be a good place to start. Googling found this video

"Humane Animal Slaughter" - Part 1

It's a little clearer to understand why she's talking about these things, in her books.



Agriprocessors went bankrupt shortly afterward, so that problem was resolved.

That video could be at any slaughterhouse & not specifically agriprocessors. There are reports of this as found in non-kosher slaughterhouses, & still going on.

PETA burnt their bridges with anyone who respects humans as much as animals, long ago. This is a good example of why not to burn bridges - they found something but couldn't get taken as seriously because of who they were.

My point on PETA being that PETA tends to manipulate & get hideous & exaggerate. That they were accurate on something doesn't excuse the general way they operation. People formed views on them over time, & for me it had nothing to do with that video or the Holocaust thing alone. I kept looking & eventually got naseated at their antics.

Meanwhile, Dr. Grandin's comments show that you don't have to support PETA to find ways to connect to this problem - she isn't with Peta.

None of this excuses bad slaughterhouse practices, but there are other organizations to support instead, that are doing the SAME work. ... But there your money gets listened to, because they are otherwise more stable & haven't burnt bridges.

My info on who I talked with at the time I researched is buried, however there is a lot out there to connect with, & to the asker, if you are serious there are many ways to get involved.


I do hope people can focus on the issues. Two were raised. One animal slaughter abuse. Second whether it's necessary to approve of Peta in order to work against the bad slaughter practices. It's not.

The ad hominems on my (and my kind) don't change those issues. It is false logic to say, if one criticises Peta of inhuman attitudes, they are criticizing every animal organization. Many have noticed Peta negatively, not because they ignore animal abuse but because it's been obvious over time, & so choose other organizations. It is also false logic to say if an organization is useful in one way or does something right, the rest of their actions are now ignorable.

A third issue is important too, that's been deflected from. These videos & horrible practices are not kosher specific. In fact the abuses are majority in non-kosher slaughter houses. Though they are now know, they aren't stopped & the asker is accurate to be concerned. The horror of them being done in a kosher setting should shock the Jewish community even more so because the point of kosher slaughtering is to minimize suffering; & even religiously it makes the meat non-kosher. However, this is not a kosher specific issue & only one kosher plant is being accused out of 31. That still needs work, shows Peta (who is against any animal slaughter) isn't working & someone else needs to step up from within the Jewish community. Grandin is getting a lot more respect when she speaks than Peta is because of their own behavior on other topics, making it easier for this issue to be totally dismissed.
2009-09-03 12:28:46 UTC
That's why many Jews are vegetarians. Kosher meat is very difficult to find outside of Jewish communities, therefore they become vegetarian.

The Torah sets limits and boundaries on our habits, including our eating habits. God allowed us to continue eating meat as other cultures of the time were doing, but Jews are forbidden many foods -- especially, as you mention, foods that are not slaughtered in a humane method.

Mark S, JPAA
2009-09-03 12:19:35 UTC
Kosher slaughtering is extremely humane. The answers above have given you a lot of info on this so I won't repeat it.
✡mama pajama✡
2009-09-02 18:25:16 UTC
In the laws of Judaism, cruelty to animals is forbidden, and animals who die with suffering and/or torturous methods are rendered "trayf" or unfit for consumption, even if they are animals that are listed as "kosher". This answer is not easy for me to write, but I think it's time more Jews speak out on this issue openly. This is an issue that I feel very strongly about because it touches at the heart of Jews living up to our values. Some may consider this hypocritical since I've never kept a kosher home, but I have always tried to honor the value of Torah prohibiting cruelty to animals and obligating acts of compassion and proper treatment of animals.

Two years ago Rabbi Haviva Ner-David wrote in the July 9 issue of The Jerusalem Report: “Truth be told, if we consider complying with the requirements of tza’ar ba’alei hayim a requirement for meat to be considered'kosher,’ today’s food industry renders all meat production non-kosher… Today, mass production has taken over. Under these conditions, it is impossible to treat animals in a way that would comply with the laws of tza’ar ba’alei hayim. This is why all Jews concerned with Jewish values and/or Jewish law should consider vegetarianism.”

Jewish tradition associates care for animals with being righteous. Within the Torah, the commandment to send a mother bird away before taking eggs or chicks from her nest is one of the few commandments that promises long life to those who fulfill it. The book of Proverbs comments that, "A righteous person knows the needs of his beast, but the compassion of the wicked is cruelty (Proverbs 12:10).

The meat killed with the methods that are detailed in the horrible videos one can see from links below is not kosher. It is trayfe. I have read debates detailing minutiae that the meat could still “possibly” be considered kosher but it does not fit with everything I have learned in my life and the opinion of many rabbis. This is a multi-layered outrage to me but to the animals it is only about one thing..their death with suffering and cruelty at the hands of humans and the humans who can make that practice STOP!!

Is it any wonder that anti-Semites are RUNNING Loud and Far with those videos to try to make kosher slaughter ILLEGAL? They don't use those films to show that it is Jewish law being violated and that Jews are being horribly misled, they use those things to claim Jews are evil and cruel!

Jews who don't want to deal with the fact that the suppliers of their meat are violating their trust are being mislead that these charges are all about antisemitism or an extremist agenda by animal rights activists. I don't doubt and I KNOW that antisemites ARE using this against Jews, but my fellow Jews are for this problem..permitting that to happen by not speaking out against the abuses with a much louder voice than they've complained about PETA

It makes no difference that more widespread suffering happens all over the U.S. in meat-processing plants in every state, those are EQUALLY wrong. This is doubly wrong to me, because rabbis entrusted with helping Jews and others to live Jewish values through kashrut are violating that trust horribly. Another difference here is the hypocrisy involved and how that hypocrisy is fuel for the Jew haters! It is not PETA that is the enemy. ANYONE with GREED enough to cause suffering to feeling creatures and do it in the name of Jewish law is the evil and the enemy we must stop! PETA's values of concern for animals are congruent with Judaism and Jewish values, they are not at odds. It would display Jewish values to a greater degree to hear Jews condemn Agriprocessors for cruelty and bringing shame to Jews rather than complain about PETA's exposure, whatever their original motivation.

If there was ever a classic example to use to define the term shanda, this is it.

I was raised to believe JEWS *are* the PEOPLE for the ETHICAL TREATEMENT of ANIMALS! I also believe that rather than condemning PETA, every Jew should THANK them for exposing and confronting us with the abuse of Jewish law by Jews. This is where and when Jews can show the world what our values really are in how we deal with this problem.


"Ritual slaughter is known as shechitah, and the person who performs the slaughter is called a shochet, both from the Hebrew root Shin-Cheit-Tav, meaning to destroy or kill. The method of slaughter is a quick, deep stroke across the throat with a perfectly sharp blade with no nicks or unevenness. This method is painless, causes unconsciousness within two seconds, and is widely recognized as the most humane method of slaughter possible. Another advantage of shechitah is that it ensures rapid, complete draining of the blood, which is also necessary to render the meat kosher".

The world-wide Jewish community must do all we can to ensure abuses do not happen. If this practice of violating it is common, it is even more reason for Jews to become vegetarian if kashrut cannot be positively determined.

The videos and interviews and comments from many I have read indicate we cannot know for certain if the animals have really been slaughtered in the most humane way that Jewish law demands. There are also many non-Jews who have placed their trust in the integrity of the rabbis who are entrusted with overseeing the slaughter from the shochet. News reports in recent years on modern factory farming methods in non-kosher slaughterhouses reveal that the animals often have brain matter contaminating the meat related to the methods of slaughter used. With fears of spread of mad cow disease, many who have feared this additional contamination risk have sought out kosher meat. Muslims who observe halal, Seventh-Day-Adventists and the growing number of Hebrew Christian evangelicals who keep a “kosher” kitchen also purchase and consume meat slaughtered by shochets, dramatically increasing the demand. To increase the supply, shechitah has thus become a part of factory farming. In my view, factory farming of ANY kind is INCOMPATIBLE with Torah. Cruelty is INHERENT in methods of making speed of the essence. The articles and videos showing that meat believed to be kosher, by virtue of trust that a shochet would take their job seriously, may be derived from an animal that SUFFERED needlessly. From a halachic (Jewish law) perspective, they cause animals’ unnecessary suffering (tza’ar ba’alei chayim). Tz’ar ba’ alei chayim is NOT ACCEPTABLE!“ When I was a boy learning the precepts embodied in the Jewish tradition, I was taught that the suffering of living things - tsaar baalei chaim- is morally and religiously intolerable…What is depicted in this video is a mockery of these precepts, and a disgrace to Orthodox Judaism.” - Dr. Bernard Rollin

I used to think that the cry to ban Kosher slaughter as cruel was only either through misunderstanding or bigotry as it is the LEAST cruel method (if it is employed correctly) of the modern factory farming methods of slaughter of an animal. If it is done in a method that terrorizes the animals, takes a long time to die, or heaven forbid, one in which a living, feeling, animal has a trachea ripped from their still conscious living throat, then it is NOT KOSHER!I pray that the Jewish community, Klal Yisrael, come together over this and stand firm to speak out against animal cruelty. If you are truly concerned to preserve shechitah then first make sure abuses are not happening so that there will be no fuel to feed the charges of cruelty! I hope that any of my Jewish readers here may help in determining what their own community is going to do or say about this. This is something ALL of us need to address as Klal Yisrael!

"Rav Kook believed vegetarianism would hasten the coming of mashiach, as his days will be a return to vegetarianism like Adam v'Chava." -a quote from an Orthodox vegan friend

edit: I am not sure what is confusing here. There is no question that the abuses took place at Agriprocessors and quite frankly, I'm sick of seeing people take unsubstantiated stabs at those who uncovered the abuse rather than speak out against the abusers!

A list of Jewish leaders who have spoken out properly against the abuses and who call for : "We further urge the Orthodox Union and other kosher certification agencies to institute specific, public guidelines for the humane treatment of animals in all the facilities they certify. These guidelines should include all the recommendations indicated above in the case of AgriProcessors."

edit: If there has been any manufacture or manipulation of evidence then it needs to be produced or the charge removed. Trying to claim that this is about attacking Jewish ways or trying to minimize this by attacking the exposers does NOT reflect the Jewish values I want to see honored here.

edit: I do not care if you don't like PETA at all..this should not be about them, this is about the wrongs they uncovered! not only animal cruelty but human abuses and I'm grateful for people like Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld for speaking against the abuses

There are far too many q's and a's in Y/A about this issue that only attack Jews and claim that Jews who dismiss this prove that we CONDONE the abuse! Dr. Temple Grandin called the violations at Agriprocessors the most horrific violation of Humane Slaughter law Grandin had ever seen.

edit: The videos I link below are most definitely from kosher slaughterhouses. I am still awaiting any actual evidence to the charges made that PETA manipulated evidence.

Don't know if any more links will
2009-09-02 18:34:06 UTC
There is NO way of "ethical" way in "killing".

No animal farmers, slaughterhouse workers and battlefield fellow countryman consider "ethical" and compassionate way in killing.

If farmers/slaughterhouse concern for the love, mercy and compassion, they would turn to be vegetarians.

If farmers/slaughterhouse concern much for the animal welfare, it would become too expensive to sell.

Similarly, some speak about Nazis whom shot their war prisoners instantly without causing much pain/suffering.. would it be MUCH ETHICAL than killing the prisoners by starving them?

What is ethical all means between 2 different sentient species?
Woody (King Carrot)
2009-09-02 15:44:22 UTC
I think most modern slaughterhouses do kill the animals ethically. A pneumatic bolt to the head and it's all over. Peta would have you think different.

Dehorning, castrating and branding are done within seconds as cattle are ran through a chute.It would take to much time to administer any pain killer and wait for it to wear off so the animal could move.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.