Vegetarians: Why don't you eat meat?
2014-07-25 15:58:38 UTC
I became a vegetarian October of last year and I am constantly asked why I don't eat me and I just say - I think its cruel. Like I don't eat crisps with Meat in them or gravy with meat fat in it. But for any Veggies/vegans out there, what is your reason?
Eight answers:
2014-07-25 17:57:22 UTC
Funny I can go through life with no one commenting on my diet so why is it that veg/vegans have this need to stand on a podium and tell it to the world then moan about the attention.

Who cares, I would love veg/vegans just to get off their high horses as well as do protective research.

You don't have to look far to see the false and ludicrous information veg/vegans spred. Just look at mermaids, happi hippi, Ganesh, Daniel and Nokia/kitkat as an example. Then you will understand why people torment veg/vegans.
2014-07-27 05:10:51 UTC
I just say it feels right. And since I cut out meat I've been having much healthier foods and experimenting with new ingredients and I think thats a good thing :)
2014-07-25 18:58:56 UTC
I am on my diet which means I eat whatever I like — provided it makes me feel good. If I eat something that makes me feel bad I tend to avoid it. What I eat may seem strange but it has been developed by a process of trial and error and it suits me. It may be unsuitable for someone else. If eating lots of meat made me feel happy and healthy I would gladly do it.
Joseph the Second
2014-07-25 16:01:32 UTC
-It's a matter of Personal Beliefs & Preferences . And I Believe in Bacon, Chicken & Steak ( Preferably on the Grill ). :)
2014-07-25 19:04:21 UTC
I think it's not worth it at all.

I don't understand how it's justifiable to raise an animal in terrible conditions, then slaughter them (not always humanely) just because it tastes good. It takes 49 days for a broiler chicken to be killed. 49 days followed by an often painful slaughter, as they are not protected under the Humane Slaughter Act. This provides 3000 calories that could be easily gotten from a plant based source. I don't think this is morally justifiable in any way. Animals aren't treated well. You don't have to watch "vegan propaganda" videos to know this. Things like battery cages and gestation crates are INDUSTRY STANDARDS. They are not made up. Unless you think animals are not sentient, which is ridiculous seeing as it's widely accepted in the scientific community (and obvious for anyone that has ever had a dog), I can't see any reason for eating meat being okay. I understand this chicken example is the probably the most extreme example, but I don't think the it's worth it for pork or beef either (although beef cows live significantly better lives than other farm animals).

The second reasons I am a vegan is for environmental reasons. The meat industry emits more greenhouse gasses than all of transportation combined, not to mention the loss of many forests for grazing land. It's unsustainable, and I don't want to **** over the future because I like how cheeseburgers taste. By the way, these statistics aren't just PETA statistics, look it up.

The third is for food supply reasons. Yes, I fully understand that a lot of people starve because of poor leadership and distribution of food, but giving so much food to animals (that for their sake would be better off not existing) is not justifiable. If we stopped giving plants to animals, the price would go down and a significant population would be able to eat.

The last is for health reasons. I understand that omnivorous diets can be healthier, but I think practically for me, it's a lot easier to be healthy on a vegan diet. The diet is gaining a lot of support among doctors and has been shown to reduce chances of some debilitating diseases. Even if it isn't any healthier, I think it's safe to say at this point that people can live PERFECTLY healthy lives without meat, and seeing as there is no need, the other 3 reasons prevail.

That's why I'm a vegan.
2014-07-25 16:06:48 UTC
Don't feel the need to justify your diet choices. I usually say it is healthier, kinder to the animals and environment. Humans are not designed to eat meat that is why the countries with the highest meat consumption have the highest rates of heart disease, cancers, obesity and diabetes. If you are sick of explaining request some leaflets from the vegetarian or vegan society websites and just hand them out.
2014-07-25 16:02:54 UTC
As an omnivore nothing beats a MAD COW Cheeseburger !
2014-07-27 03:02:48 UTC
Im.a vegan. Its so cruel

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