vegeterians, why are you vegeterian?
2008-06-20 01:06:39 UTC
im a vegeterian myself and il tell you why if you tell me
= ]
40 answers:
2008-06-20 01:24:40 UTC
I love reading other people's stories of how they became vegetarian/vegan :) Heres mine:

I initially became vegetarian because I didn't think it was right to kill other animals when you could survive perfectly well without meat.

Concerns over how battery hens are treated made me switch to free-range eggs, and the environmental impact of the dairy industry in my home country (New Zealand) made me cut down on consumption of dairy products. I admired vegans because I thought they were "hard-core" but didn't really understand why they thought veganism was necessary.

I became vegan when I realised that the egg and dairy industries were just that: industries.

They view animals purely as production units: any animal that is not "productive" is killed.

This includes males chicks and calves, as well as animals that are too old/exhausted to continue "producing".

These discoveries lead me to decide that, for me to live in a way that was consistent with my own personal ethics, I had no choice but to become vegan. I thought it would be hard, but once I had made the decision there was no looking back... and it is so much easier than I thought it would be.

Simply put, becoming vegan was the best thing I have ever done in my life.
2008-06-20 07:26:13 UTC
I started being vegetarian about 4 years ago just because I couldn't bear the thought that and animal had had to DIE just so I could eat. Then i moved to Spain and that put me even more off it since they treat the animals even worse than in England (yes, it is actually possible!). Then I found some websites and they are even putting me off dairy. I never realsied the cruelty that goes on behind the cheary packaging. It is so sick.

The other reason is that by farming animals it is ruining the environment (look on the following websites for more info). Also causing hunger in third world countries.

Then there is the fact that it is the most unhealthy way to eat, and just simply not necessary. It wil make you live longer being vege since you have less chance of heart disease and cancer. Vege food also tastes 100% better.

So i really can't see the point in eating meat, it's just a waste of life (in the animals and people) and ruining everything with absolutely NO benefits.

Do you accept murder of people? Animals can feel the same pain.
2008-06-20 01:27:22 UTC
Well somewhat for health reasons and somewhat because I don't really want to kill animals for food unless I have too. I am also an activist and am around a lot of vegetarians and vegans so it probably had a little peer pressure in it. Mainly I am vegetarian until I (if ever) decide to go primitive then of course I will hunt and gather (again if I work up the courage and strength to do so and disconnect from the world) but I will try to do it sustainably which is the most important thing to do! I also really like vegetables and it is cheaper (most times) then buying meat
2008-06-20 08:11:35 UTC
I find that vegerterian lifestyle makes me feel better. It is strictly for health that I choose to stay away from meat. I think that it tastes wonderful....and I do occassionally eat some meat, like maybe once every few months or so. I LOVE RARE STEAK! Anyway, staying away from meat, not only makes me feel great, it helps me maintain my weight and I have a ton of energy and just overall feel better!! Never the bloated, need to go and take a nap feeling after eating! I love it!
2008-06-20 13:55:50 UTC
My mum brought me up as a veggie. If Iwanted to try something then she would let me but often I would spit it out and just stick to the veggie option. Now I am also a veggie because of the cruelty to animals, because the sight of raw meat and the smell of meat alltogether makes me want to throw up, and because I dont like the idea of eating it. I have been a veggie for too long to turn lol :-)
Kathy S
2008-06-20 01:17:00 UTC
Out of choice, not conviction so I don't have a fit if someone serves me meat. Whilst we are fully equipped to eat meat, I feel that the original human diet would have been mostly vegetable with the odd sudden burst of class A protein when a kill came in. Modern nutritionists seem to agree, so lets have everything in moderation and stop the histrionics.
2008-06-20 01:35:42 UTC
I was about 12 and the thought of putting animal flesh into my mouth made me gag- so I knew I wanted to be a vegetarian.

It was a combination of animal cruelty and knowing deep down inside of me eating it was wrong and un necessary. ( in MY opinion!)

It was very hard to be a veggie then and my parents ( 100% pure meat eaters) didn't really understand. I think I ate sage+onion stuffing as a main course for 4 years. :-)))

I am in the process of turning 100% vegan now btw.
2008-06-20 01:32:00 UTC
Well,I'm a veggie as i couldn't ever expect any other being to be slaughtered to fill my belly.

Also,i think we are arrogant to think animals are on earth for us to eat,and that we think we are superior beings to animals.

We aren't,and i believe god put us on this earth in what ever form of animal to make the earth a beautiful place where we can all co-exist.

Also,its a religious thing second,first its moral.

I love this question,but i think you may get some fruit loops that we always get here,that will slate us for our choices.

Also,im a veggie as i don't want to end up like some brain dead morons who come in here and challenge our choices just to make them feel better and justify their meat eating,hunting killing etc.

I often wonder why meat eaters aren't cannibals,after all we are ALL animals of one sort or other.

Maybe they will learn something from reading your question and our answers.

Funny we never ask them about why they eat dead animals,i guess its cos were comfy with our choice and maybe they aren't?

Fab question,and well asked.:)
Missy D
2008-06-20 01:13:31 UTC
Because organic tofu is $1.19 per 14 oz. at Trader Joe's, and there is absolutely no meat in the word for that price unless I want the nasty, hormone-ridden mystery meat that is going to give me atherosclerosis.

Because my husband has genetically high cholesterol even though he exercises 5 days a week, and the only way I can avoid adding to his cholesterol is to not give him meat.

Because my daughter won't eat a lot of meat, but loves alternative protein sources such as tofu and beans.

Because cows are given growth hormones to bring them to market weight twice as fast, and America eats that beef and wonders why THEY can't lose weight.

Because conscious eating and dietary control helps you realize that you have control over all factors in your life, even those that seem to get really crazy.
Support Nature's Rights
2008-06-20 09:11:35 UTC
Religious: Budhhist

Ethical: Animal Activist & Environmentalist

Health: People were never supposed to eat meat so its better for our bodies if you dont consume the flesh of something else let alone cancer risk and other diseases are reduced
2008-06-20 01:11:43 UTC
i had an interesting convo with a vegitarian

he told me that meet disgusts him, and that he cant be harmonious with the fact that the meat he is eating was a living animal which can feel and live just like us.

i really dont mean anything by this, but i cant live without meat. i think i would go insane if a day passed without eating meat. I respect all vegetarians though.
2008-06-20 09:23:39 UTC
because I can't imagine putting anything in my mouth that is a rotting and decomposing animal flesh. How many needles for animals to stay alive, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, what are they really eating? rats, squirrels, etc.

You know they say; you sleep with every woman a man has slept with.

You are eating everything a animal has injected and fed into him!
2008-06-23 07:44:12 UTC
i have been a vegetaian since the day i was born i hate to think that animals are bred for people to eat they dont have a long life or even a happy one then they end up on a plate :(
2008-06-20 01:12:16 UTC
Well i eat chicken wings and other stuff but still vegetarians are what they are because they believe that lesser energy is consumed when you eat an primary consumer and also they dislike the thought of eating animals which have eaten other disgusting things. Weird but it makes sense to them. Also they believe that if you eat animals you should imagine how would you feel if you were being kept in an cage for months then slaughtered alive !
2008-06-20 07:51:59 UTC
At first I came to know that one of my colleague is vegan.

Out of curiosity, I search web "why vegetarian, "why vegan"

after reading some online article about vegan/vegetarian.

I than decided that I also want to be a vegetarian..... but not vegan yet.
2008-06-21 10:42:07 UTC
while i was in food-tech class in school , they put on a video that lasted 50 mins and it was all about how animals were killed . since then i cant put meat near my mouth ..

but on the good side , ive lost 5 pounds =]
2008-06-20 01:11:28 UTC
I didn't really like the taste of meat as a child so I woke up one day and told my mum that I wanted to cut it out of my diet completely. I've been vegetarian for 8 years and still going!
2008-06-20 04:50:16 UTC
I'm a vefetarian because of course animal cruelty. I don't see how people can do that. It's also better for the enviroment.
Brandon H
2008-06-20 01:21:16 UTC
because i feel more healthy and i love animals but its hard to survive in this world as a vegeterian
Mother and wife
2008-06-20 01:11:01 UTC
Mainly because of the movie fast food nation. I think the exploitation of meat is discriminating.

If people understood that cows have souls too they might change their present on meat eating issues.

Also most meat in the store is only C or D grade meat. You actually have a high chance of getting sick from eating meat vs. vegetables. But the media focuses on vegetables to deter us from being vegetarians.
2008-06-20 01:11:48 UTC
well am not a vegiterian, but i really hate chicken and anything in shape of an animal :S a cooked fish or chicken wings :S they repulse me coz i cant imagine myself eating and if u wana say disecting another animal, but if they were in "fillet" form, where i can not relate to the oringal source i might eat it.
2008-06-23 02:55:28 UTC
I simply don't like meat. I don't care about the animals! We were made to eat it.
2008-06-21 03:46:52 UTC
For religious purposes as well as health purposes, I lost my appetite in meat too
First Decision = Last Decision
2008-06-20 15:19:32 UTC
Because animals have souls just like humans do.
2008-06-20 02:45:54 UTC
i am vegetarian because i hate the thought of eating animals!!! they are INNOCENT ANIMALS PEOPLE. i respect the aborigine's and how they ate them but they had not much else to eat and nothing of it went to wast. now aday we don't have to eat meat we have alot of other stuff! i hate animal cruelty and i consider eating animals when you don't have to animal cruelty!
2008-06-20 02:15:54 UTC
it is very simple

"if you can't give life to any one you don't have right to take life"

Just imagine how cruel it to kill a animal just for the sake of taste.

when we human get hurt with some minor injury we feel pain. just imagine how painful it is for those animals who are killed very brutally only for the sake of taste.
2008-06-20 05:37:28 UTC
bcuz im like eating veggies since i was 1 year old so im used to it!
2008-06-20 01:12:06 UTC
I am not a vegetarian, but my best friend is. She says she only is because she doesn't like meat. Although, she is trying not to be a vegetarian anymore, because it can be so inconvenient to avoid meat.
charlie !!!
2008-06-20 01:20:43 UTC
im not a vegetarian, and i love meat, i couldnt live without it.

i understand that u have your views and nothing i say is going to change them but animals that we eat are bread to be eaten so if noone ate meat those animals wouldnt have a life at all.

i admire vegetarians cos i know i couldnt do it!!
2008-06-20 01:10:25 UTC
I am not i love meat

but i think most people dont like meat

because they believe killing animals is is wrong and sad

and then on top of it eating the meat of the all ready dead animal is just plain wrong
2008-06-20 01:09:14 UTC
Because I like the thought of murdering vegetables
2008-06-20 08:18:19 UTC
Because, who could kill an animal?
2008-06-20 01:11:19 UTC
because it's more healthy ..the fruits and vegetables are healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins and they keep ur health and for not murdering animals ...
2008-06-20 01:09:42 UTC
Cruelty to animals, the thought of killing another creature so that i can eat. We have plenty of alternatives and don't need to eat other creatures.
2008-06-20 01:59:19 UTC
i do it for the animals!

i love animals and i KNOW it is wrong to eat them
2008-06-20 01:10:20 UTC
I am a vegetarian because of my rabbit and because I work in a shelter. So its for animal cause I guess

Carrots are making me yellow!!!!!!!

And Paranoia of worms.... hahaha PLants seldom if not at all contains tapeworms!
Slim Fan Fiction
2008-06-20 01:12:46 UTC
What if God didn't mean for us to eat the animals ... what would his reaction be when he found out???

Angel: God, we got a problem here, the humans are eating everything. Not just the plants, THEY ARE EATING ALL THE ANIMALS.

Sorry, random rant. Bye.
2008-06-20 01:10:22 UTC
well im a vegetarian because, first, i believve that meat from animals is bad for our bodies. and also because i think its abolultey CRUEL to eat meat from animals. they didnt do anything to us, and we just kill them so we can have a couple of meals. its awful!
2008-06-20 01:12:02 UTC
think about how much g-d will be offended on your day of judgement: i mean, he created things in the world for you to exploit, but instead you reject it and say "no thanks". its just like not going touring in the world to see g-d's beautiful mountains and waterfalls and creations which he wants you to see so that you can appreciate his awesomeness. i would be mad too.
Miss ♥
2008-06-20 01:10:41 UTC
i tried going vegetarian as a punishment for my mum. So she had to cook at vego food for me for a week

long story really

i went a day without meat

but i couldn't live without it !

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