I just have a question for vegetarians?
2007-07-11 20:09:56 UTC
I suppose this has been asked before but I missed it.
I really want a real answer.
Why do you not want to eat meat?
I realize some people can't eat certain things because they are allergic to it, is that it?
I was wondering what is most people's reason, that's all.
38 answers:
Scocasso !
2007-07-11 23:57:34 UTC
For me, it's Biology 101. Humans are not 'designed' for it. I was just doing research on eating for optimum athletic performance when a teenager and eating meat immediately clogs the system. Eating meat is like putting diesel fuel into your gasoline fuel car (which would be like pouring in some engine oil with your gasoline. You car will still run. But it won't run very well and smoke will billow out the exhaust. During my research I kept coming across more and more questions and this led me to eliminating every animal product and unnatural product from my diet. My performance went up immediately. My acne went a way. My recovery improved vastly. I felt like a cloud I never knew was there was lifted off my brain -- I was thinking ten time faster than usual. I had seemingly boundless energy. It's about 18 years later and I still feel the same way, so why would I want to go back.

My research of food just expands into other areas such as immunization, midwifery, medical practise, homeschooling, politics, back room political deals, industry secrets, hidden agandas... and the more you dig for answers the more you find out things. Once you go on the path of educating yourself, it never stops.
♥*MCR is LIFE*♥
2007-07-11 20:31:35 UTC
Because animals are treated so cruelly when they are being SLAUGHTERED . They aren't even on farms like most commercials portray them to be. They are in spaces where they can't even turn around. Plus when cows are have their throats slit and libs cut off they usually are fully conscious . Also little baby chicks have the front of their beaks cut off with a hot blade. A hen who lays eggs all her life , almost never get to fully spread her wings. These are just a few facts about how animals are so cruelly massacred . Usually people who are vegetarians become vegans. Which implies you don't eat meat , any animal by-products (milk,cheese,ice cream,etc), wear leather, wear wool , or eat anything with "natural meat flavoring" . There are great alternatives for what most people eat now, and the alternatives are a lot healthier. Some people say if you don't eat meat etc. you are malnourished. Well thats bull. You can still get the nutrients you need if your diet is planned carefully. You know what? After I spent 5 minutes of my life typing this, people are probably just gonna laugh , look the other way, or just stay the way they are. I'm sorry, I don't agree with that.
2007-07-11 20:25:22 UTC
I don't eat meat for several reasons:

1. I don't agree with the system in the US of how the meat gets to our plate (factory farms, pumping them full of hormones, etc.) so I am using my purchasing power against it.

2. Eating meat pollutes almost as much as cars via methane gas released from cows, animal waste getting into the ground water...

3. Eating meat is an inefficient food source - for instance, 1 cow which will feed 10 people requires 20 acres of land/resources to grow and become food for 10 people. Those same 20 acres could grow vegetables to feed 100 people (theoretically).

4. There is a lot of evidence that a meat based diet is unhealthy.

5. I personally feel much healthier and have loads more energy since going veg.

Hope that helped!
Abel H
2007-07-12 06:18:24 UTC
I don't eat meat because of the disrespect the animal receives.. Factory farming is brutal... The slaughter is Brutal... Whatever the animal lives with and what ever it died with becomes a part of you.. I have also come to realize that I do not need meat for protein.. Meat is inefficient.. I have found natural sources of protein that are 10 to 15 times more absorb able than Meat..
2007-07-11 23:11:42 UTC
I do not eat meat or any animal products because I have no reason to, none other than the fact I was raised eating these things and that's what I was used to. I can be perfectly healthy and get ALL of the protein AND vitamins that my body needs without any problem whatsoever.

When you need to raise meat and produce dairy and eggs for a country of 300 million, things get sloppy and the producers are ONLY IN IT FOR THE MONEY. They don't care about their customers, their employees or the animals.

All the reasons can be explained by this video

and this literature
al l
2007-07-11 22:34:05 UTC
I initially started becoming a vegetarian because I never liked the taste of meat or the concept of killing an animal for it. I made the decision to do a one week test trial five years ago and havn't gone back since. During that time I researched many articles and attended many health seminars to find out that the biology of our stomach linning, length of our digestive tract, and the fact that our canine teeth are not true canines proves that humans where not designed to eat meat. I also learned through my own experience that vegetarianism was much healthier. I used to pass out a lot due to increased cholesterol (I was only 19 at the time) and an artery leading to my brain would dilate causing oxygen to stop flowing to my brain. Since I became a vegetarian I have much lower cholesterol and I have lost 20 lbs and am now in my ideal weight range. I have more energy and less risk of heart disease and colon cancer. You can see that I have many reasons supporting my lifestyle and I am happy with it. I would like for everyone to live as great of a lifestyle as me but I understand that each person makes their own decision. This is simply mine.
2007-07-11 20:18:39 UTC
I've come up with a number of reasons.

I'm 24 now. When I was in 6th grade, I stopped eating meat -- I think probably because I think too much about my food, and maybe a bit to be different.

I was a vegetarian all through high school, and until I was about 20 years old.

I ended up in a relationship that left me with little control of my own life -- I was forced to eat meat on a regular basis.

When that relationship came to an end (actually, about a month before hand) I stopped eating meat again . . . my friends would bring me fun stuff when my ex was at work, so I didn't end up sick.

I still don't eat meat, and I probably never will. . . and it isn't because I think it's unhealthy, or nasty.

I love brats -- they're so yummy, and there's nothing on the face of the earth like my home-made chicken cordon-bleu. At any rate, I just can't bring myself to eat it . . . not even eggs (unless I don't cook them, and they look nothing like eggs, but . . . even then, if I think it's a dead baby chicken, even once, I can't touch it).

i think of all the nasty stuff that goes into brats, and what is done to bacon, and the chicken . . . I think of how many animals went to make a hamburger . . . and I just can't do it. On the same note, I eat few foods that are processed . . . if I eat pizza, I prefer to do home-made . . . (although, time doesn't always allow). If I do veggies, I prefer to do fresh . . . because I don't know how many rat poop pellets ended up in my can of peas before they put that lid on.

It's just nasty.
2016-08-04 08:35:01 UTC
I am non-veg in view that my mother and father have been non-veg. However now after I learn a statement of LORD BUDHHA , i've nearly stopped eating non-veg. LORD BUDHA stated--- U have taken hundreds of thousands of rebirths on this planet. So generally these lambs or pigs or hen have been ur father, mom uncles or children. Why to consume flesh of ur moms and dads and so on.? Swami Ramdev explains -- When u get angry , u sweating, begin trembling and so forth, when u are afraid , u begin sweating , trembling and so forth. Why ? Because there r secretions of harmones etc. Within physique. So u can fully grasp how many dangerous secretions take location when an animal is killed . Eating this sort of flesh could be very dangerous for mental wellness. Now u see so many swine/cow/fowl -flu and so forth are spreading as a result of animals. Additionally Nature has no longer made us to devour non-veg. Considering a non-veg eating animal has very long intestine to digest it but v have small one. V shouldn't have teeths like tiger. All non-veg eater animals drink water through tongue however v drink like cow.
Celtic Tejas
2007-07-11 21:25:37 UTC
I believe that the human body was made to be Vegan, close to raw Vegan even.

The allowance of meat eating happen at The Flood, when all plant life was killed off. Now out bodies are the same ones, but our diets & foods have changed greatly. By eating as we where meant to we Thrive instead of having all the PROVEN aliments that eating animal products produce.

Dr. John McDougall has been a mainstay helping people with Heart & other health problems for years.

This site is the bibical aspect of being a Vegan
2007-07-12 10:17:57 UTC
For me its a combo of health reasons (high cholesterol runs in the family) and the way the animals are treated. For a more detailed explanation of both read the book. Diet for a New America by John Robbins.
2007-07-11 23:40:50 UTC
I just think that veggies are healthier, don't require killing, are cheaper, and are more versatile. When I used to eat meat I got sick a lot, but my tummy is a lot happier when I eat healthy. I don't think it's horrible to eat meat- I know it's delicious. I just think that it shouldn't be a staple of the American diet. If I don't eat it and you do, I guess that sorta balances out.
2007-07-12 12:58:50 UTC
Because of our Religious Practice - some groups of people in Hindu Families - do not eat Animal product of any kind -except Milk- for more than 2000 years.they are called "Saiva" in South india and "Vaishno" in North India.
2007-07-11 20:38:13 UTC
I was raised that way, don't see any reason to start eating meat now. It would probably make me sick if I did. Meat doesn't even look like food to me. You will find this gross, but when I see meat on a plate it makes me think of flattened roadkill in the summer.
Psychedelic Enlightenment
2007-07-11 20:15:37 UTC
Ive never eaten meat in my life. My parents tried to make me when I was a little, but I kept picturing I was eating a aniaml that was once alive. I try to value all live, I dont even kill bugs....but also I think eating meat i natural...just look at nature. I liked the way the native americans did it...thanked the animal by saying thanks for dying for we may live and using every peice of the aniaml.
2007-07-11 20:14:50 UTC
Well, I'm 12, and have been a vegetarian my whole life. My mom and brother are vegetarians too. My dad eats meat. I partially don't eat meat because of a bad experience my mom had when she had a burger at mc donalds, and partially because of the whole concept of killing animals, and such.
2007-07-11 20:16:27 UTC
Most people don't eat meat because they don't like the killing of animals. The scientific meaning is because are species is meant to eat vegetables not meat because are teeth are not sharp like tigers or any other animal that has sharp teeth.
2007-07-11 20:18:08 UTC
I don't want to eat part of a sentient, feeling living being that was unnecessarily killed to land up on my plate.

Note two key words that diferentiate meat from plants.

Sentient : plants are not

Unnecessarily: meat is not necessary in our diet, plants are
2007-07-11 21:36:22 UTC
Its almost cannibalistic in a sertain point of view. its morraly and ethically wrong to slaughter and consume some poor little animal that probly never had any thought about killing and eating a human. humans are not superior to all animals if you think we are try telling that to a bear, or a shark. just imagine being abducted by aliens taken to their planet dragged behind a barn and being shot then sold at a butcher shop and eaten and having your leftovers thrown to he alien dog... just imagine, thats what happens every day to farm animals.

...just imagine...
2007-07-11 20:15:20 UTC
Because meat is animals

and animals deserve to live too

because they have personalities and beating hearts

and did you know that farmers beat animals so they can slaughter them and kill them for us to eat bacon,steak,cheese milk,eggs,turkey,chicken.

Did you also know they coop chickens up in SMALL rooms until they starve to deathor dehydrate or overheat.

vegetarians feel sorry for animals and believe that they should live free like we do. without being slaughtered.
♥ Animal Lover ♥
2007-07-11 22:00:40 UTC
I don't eat meat because I am totally against the way animals are treated to be slaughtered for meat...and because animals are my friends. :-D
2007-07-11 20:20:41 UTC
because the only reason we should eat other animals is if we have nothing else to eat. we have fruits and vegetables and all kinds of foods that dont involve eating other animals. Herbavores dont eat humans or other animals because they have plants they can eat
Un-Happy Gilmore
2007-07-11 20:18:31 UTC
i think its cruel i dont eat and dont want to think about whats in that meat aka hormones i know someone who has a chicken frm and that baby has to weigh so much every month so its injected with hormones whic are really bad for your body
Natoshea J
2007-07-11 20:17:28 UTC
I'm a vegetarian and i don't eat meat because it's challenges my will power not because I'm a crazy health freak or in love with animals. (i love meat)
2007-07-11 20:41:11 UTC
Well, it's in my religon and since I've never had it I don't miss it. It's like being born without an arm since you don't know how it is you don't miss it and plus I love animals.
Bridget J. ♥
2007-07-11 20:22:39 UTC
because y should we kill poor inncoent animals just for us, greedy humans,,,it's sad how so animals are raised just to be killed.......also would u want to eat a human?? that's just like eating meat...eating a once living animal :-(
2007-07-11 20:14:37 UTC
I don't because it is unethical to have other animals murdered for my consumption when I can just as easily eat other things that don't have nervous systems.
mamtha r
2007-07-12 03:14:41 UTC
its not so tasty to have

anyways y do u prefer to eat meat

is it energitic for u...
2007-07-11 20:32:00 UTC
I don't want to support the practices shown in this video:
2007-07-11 20:13:21 UTC
My cousin is one and her reason is because she loves animals
2007-07-11 20:18:25 UTC
eating meat is gay if you eat meat some one should eat you
2007-07-11 20:17:07 UTC
Well, consider this news article.
2007-07-11 20:56:58 UTC
i dont want to kill animals if it can be avioded. they deserve to live just as much as humans do (who are animals).
2007-07-11 20:25:37 UTC
If GOD did'nt want us to eat animals he would'nt have made them out of meat Buy a steak and shut up
2007-07-11 20:13:43 UTC
the vegetables is very important
2007-07-11 20:14:04 UTC
It makes them too much like the rest of the planet's inhabitants...which they 2 cents anyway
2007-07-11 20:12:50 UTC
I wanna know too
2007-07-11 20:13:24 UTC
I dont know but I like chicken, I like beef, I like fish , so eat eat eat. lol
2007-07-12 06:54:33 UTC


People Land Air Water Efficiency Animals Health


Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250,000,000 people while in the world 30,000,000 people die of starvation

20 vegetarians can live off the land required by one meat eater

Every 3 seconds a child dies of starvation somewhere in the world

If Americans reduced their meat consumption by 10% it would free 12,000,000 tons of grain - enough to feed 60,000,000 people (the population of Great Britain)

If all Americans became vegetarian, it would free enough grain to feed 600,000,000 people (the population of India)

Intensification in animal farming has displaced 1,000,000's of people from their traditional lands - eg. indigenous people in south & central america, native americans in north america & crofters in Great Britain - this is continuing today

People displaced from their lands into cities succumb to dietary deficiency, diseases, parasites & opportunistic diseases

In third world countries 1 in 10 babies die before their first birthday

The UK imports £46,000,000 worth of grain from third world countries to feed our livestock

Due to overgrazing 850,000,000 people live on land threatened by desertification & over 230,000,000 already live on land so severely desertified that they are unable to sustain their existence & face imminent starvation

1,000,000,000 people in the west gorging on meat & dairy leave 1,000,000,000 to waste away & 3,500,000,000 teeter on the brink


If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left

1 acre yields 165 lbs of beef or 20,000 lbs of potatoes

8/10 of cultivated land in the UK is used to grow food for animals (14,732,000 hectares)

It takes 16lbs of high protein soya to produce 1 lb of beef

Since 1945 in the UK we have lost 95% of flower meadows, 50% of ancient woodlands, 40% of heathlands, 50% of wet lands & 224,000 km of hedgerows all due to animal farming

Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion 6billion tons/year in the USA

If everyone went vegetarian upto 90% of land used for animal farming could be taken out of production & used to replant woodlands, leisure activities etc.

25% of Central america's forests have been destroyed for cattle grazing since 1960

Between 1966-1983 38% of the Amazon rain forest was destroyed for cattle grazing

90% of cattle ranches established on cleared forest land go bankrupt in less than 8 years as the land becomes barren due to nutrient loss & overgrazing

Overgrazing by cattle is destroying the land & increasing desertification, nearly 430 million acres in the USA alone has suffered a 25-50% reduction in yield since first grazed

An inch of topsoil takes 200-1000 years to develop - yet in the USA they have lost around 1/3 of their prime topsoil in 200 years (around 7 inches) due to animal farming

Land will be lost due to rises in sea level due to global warming due to animal farming


The destruction of the rainforest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply

The 1,300,000,000 cattle in the world emit 60,000,000 tons of methane per year (methane is a greenhouse gas & leads to global warming)

Burning of forests, grasslands & agricultural waste associated with animal farming releases 50-100,000,000 tons of methane per year

Combining these figures, 25% of methane emissions are due to animal farming (not including the billions of sheep, pigs & poultry so the real figure is much higher)

Fertilizer used to grow crops to feed to animals releases nitrous oxide - thought to account for 6% of the greenhouse effect

Fertilizer, weedkiller & pesticides sprayed on crops enter the atmosphere creating a noxious carcinogenic cocktail

CFCs are released into the air from refrigeration units used to store decomposing flesh (meat), milk & butter - CFCs are destroy the ozone layer

Ammonia from animal urine also pollutes the atmosphere

CO2 is released by burning oil & petrol in lorries, ships, abattoirs, dairies, factories etc. associated with meat & dairy production

Emissions from large chemical plants which produce fertilizer, weedkiller & other agricultural chemicals are also poisoning our air


25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat & 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat

UK farm animals produce 200,000,000 tonnes of slurry (liquid excrement) every year, the majority of which ends up in our rivers

Bloody waste water from abattoirs ends up in our rivers

In the USA every second humans produce 12,000 lbs of effluent while farmed animals produce 250,000 lbs

Nitrates & pesticides used on crops grown to feed livestock end up in our rivers

Meat & dairy farming uses 70 litres of water per day per animal in the UK or 159,250,000,000 litres per year in total

The water used to produce 10 lbs of steak is equivalent to the average consumption of water for an entire household for an entire year

Depletion of groundwater reserves to grow crops for animals & to supply abattoirs will lead to greater water shortages

Aquafers (stores of underground water) in the San Joaquin valley in the USA are being drained at the rate of 500,000,000,000 gallons/year to produce meat

18% of all agricultural land in the world is irrigated & as global warming increases (partly due to animal farming) it will cost $200,000,000 to keep these systems going

The water used to produce a 1000 lb beef steer is enough to float a Destroyer battleship

The liquid waste from the various parts of the meat & dairy industry flow into the rivers & from there into the seas polluting them & encouraging huge algal blooms to grow


To produce 1calorie of energy from meat takes 60 calories of petrol, whereas growing grains & legumes to directly feed people produces 20 calories for each calorie of fuel used ( thats 1200 times more efficient)

Meat & dairy farming uses billions of gallons of oil to run tractors, fuel ships & lorries (to move animal feed & animals), pump billions of gallons of water to irrigate fields & run slaughterhouses, power refrigeration units to prevent the corpses from decomposing & to power sewage plants to clean up some of the pollution produced

Cattle convert only 6% of their energy intake (mainly grains & soya) into flesh, the remaining 94% is wasted as heat, movement (which is why they keep many animals in very close confinement), hair, bones, faeces etc

1lb of beef takes 1 gallon of petrol to produce

A family of four eating beef for a year uses enough petrol to run a car for 6 months (obviously depending on how far you drive!)

If the full ecological cost of meat was passed onto the consumer - the price would be quadrupled (at least)

The EC spends œ100,000,000's to subsidise animal production resulting in lakes of unwanted milk & mountains of unwanted meat & butter. This money could be better spent encouraging organic fruit, vegetable & grain production

In the USA in 1979 145,000,000 tons of crops were fed to cattle resulting in only 21million tons of animal bodies - the cost of the wasted crops was $20,000,000,000

Between 1950 & 1985 grain production in Europe & the USA increased massively but 2/3 was fed to animals

70% of all grain is fed to animals

Eating vast quantities of animal flesh, eggs, milk & butter is a luxury that most of the planet can not afford


Fishing with drift (and other modern) nets weakens & destroys ecosystems by indiscriminately killing billions of sea creatures & disrupting the sea bed

Fishermen's nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch

Fish caught in nets die an agonising slow death of suffocation

Each year 15,000,000,000 land animals are slaughtered for food & an unknown but much larger number of sea creatures (including 1000's of dolphins caught accidentally)

Chickens are crammed into battery cages with upto 3 other birds, they are unable to even spread their wings & many can not even stand up

Unwanted male chicks (because they can't lay eggs) are gassed or pulped while their sisters go to the battery sheds

Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in - this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic

Modern farming methods using growth hormones & artificial lighting mean that many chickens out grow their bones, resulting in fractured & broken legs

Sows are kept tethered in stalls 1.3 x 1 metre on concrete or slatted floors - they can not even turn around

Poultry raised for meat are kept in windowless broiler sheds, with around 20-30,000 in each shed, they live in an area of 10-20 cm square - fighting due to overcrowding is common & like battery hens they commonly suffer from supperating bed sores

Broilersheds are artificially lit 23 hours a day to produce rapid growth

Animals travel between farms & to slaughter in overcrowded transporters with no food or water - resulting in stress, injuries & deaths - legal requirements are widely ignored

95% of poultry suffer injuries before being killed & 30% suffer broken bones

Problems with stunning practices mean that many animals have their throats slit while still conscious (around 6% of cattle or 200,000 per year) & are then dipped in tanks of scalding water (to loosen feathers, bristles etc.) again while fully conscious

4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse

Calf leather comes from animals killed at just 2 weeks old

Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep - the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets

Cows only give milk for 10 months after they have a calf - so they are routinely artificially inseminated (ie. mechanically raped) to keep them pregnant & milking - their calves are taken away (usually at 12 hours old) for meat or export to veal crates

Cows would naturally live upto 20 years but are slaughtered after 5-7 years when their milk production begins to fall

In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water - all this happens on a production line with the animals being hung upside down from a moving conveyor belt - this is factory farming

"Animals are those unfortunate slaves & victims of the most brutal part of mankind" - John Stewart Mill (philosopher)

Veal calves are confined in stalls in the dark, unable to move & are fed on pigs blood , chocolate & dried milk (we are drinking the rich fresh milk of their mothers)

Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves - under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day - resulting in swollen & inflamed udders - at this rate they are soon worn out

Large areas of land are under monoculture to grow crops to feed to animals - these areas are wildlife deserts supporting fewer & fewer species.


Vegetarians have a 20% lower rate of mortality from all causes (ie. they live longer & don't get sick as often)

Meat is full of traces of antibiotics, hormones, toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten

Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms

The world health organisation recommends a diet low in saturated fat, sugar, salt & with plenty of fibre - exactly what you get on a vegan/vegetarian diet

Farmed animals contain upto 50% saturated fat in their bodies

Vegetarians have 24% reduced risk of getting heart disease & Vegans a 57% reduction (heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK accounting for 50% of deaths)

Obesity is rare in vegetarians, obesity is related to many diseases

Vegans & vegetarians have lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels - high levels are associated with heart disease, strokes & kidney failure

Vegetarians have a 50% reduced risk of dying of diabetes

Vegetarians have a 40% reduced level of cancer than the general population thought to be because they have a higher intake of vitamins A,C & E

Vegetarians have a reduced risk of developing gall & kidney stones

80% of food poisoning is due to infected meat (faeces, bacteria etc.) after all meat is decomposing flesh - most of the rest is due to salmonella in eggs

Osteoporosis due to calcium loss from bones is mainly due to the sulphur content in meat & casein protein in milk that cause calcium to be lost in the urine - the countries with the highest meat & dairy consumption are those with the highest levels of brittle bones

50% of people do not have the enzyme to digest milk properly & milk allergy is related to asthma & eczema

Meat eaters have double the rate of Alzheimers disease as Vegans & Vegetarians - some people also think that Parkinsons disease is also linked to meat eating

Egg yolk is a dense concentration of saturated fat & the white is high in albumin protein associated with leaching calcium into your urine. Butter is 80% saturated fat, cream is 40% saturated fat & cheese is 25-40% saturated fat

Meat eaters are two and a half times more likely to get bowel cancer than Vegetarians

The cling film used to wrap meat in supermarkets & butchers contains chemicals linked to falling sperm counts in men

Chinese people (living mainly on a vegetarian diet) consume 20% more calories than Americans but Americans are 20% fatter

Of 2,100,000 deaths in the USA in 1987, 1,500,000 were related to diet (ie. meat & dairy)


If you've read this far, I hope that you are beginning to see that the Meat & Dairy industry is a major contributor to misery on this planet. It is destroying the health of people in rich countries, starving those in poor countries, it is torturing & killing billions of animals every year and in the meantime it is one of the major factors in the destruction of the environment - so what does the meat & dairy industry have to say in it's defence?

Well their only real point is usually "Meat is tasty" - fair enough a lot of people enjoy the taste of meat - but there are plenty of delicious alternatives (just consider the huge range of vegetarian dishes in Indian cooking - one of the oldest & most sophisticated cuisines in the world) and if you really crave meat & dairy, nowadays there are plenty of healthy non animal alternatives - just look in the supermarket & health food shop. So I hope you will agree it's pretty pathetic to consider all the evidence & then say "well I know you're right about the environment & health & the animals - but I just love my meat"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.