I want to do something about this, but what can I do?
2006-05-20 17:02:18 UTC
Okay, I have a really sad story to tell. So one day I was in my 8th grade art and this really rude, loud chick was like, 'OMG! I saw a mouse!' And everyone else was like, 'So? There are mice all through the school.' But she kept on making the biggest deal over it. So eventually our teacher got the janator. So he came in and put that sticky tape down with some food on it. Sure enough the cute, little mouse came and got stuck. My sister used to have a mouse exactly like that for a pet until she gave it away b/c she had to go to college. And then the whole class runs over and starts laughing. I just stayed in my seat b/c I didn't want to see it. But eventually I got up and went over. It was awful! Tho this was like 3 days ago I can still see it, it was stuck and just trying to get up. Right after I saw it I turned away and was the waterworks! I mean I don't eat meat, except sometimes I'll have fish. I know the school can't use posion b/c of lawsuits, but I want to do something about this!
Six answers:
2006-05-20 19:48:06 UTC
I'm sorry it upset you.

You may want to talk to your teacher about what happened and explain how it upset you and why, and you may also want to speak with your parents--they'll be able to deal with the other adults on an adult-to-adult level and find out what the school's policies are on things like this, and how to go about changing them if they aren't appropriate.

After that, there's always petitions and non-violent protests to get your point across, but I think you'll have more luck trying the appropriate channels first.
2006-05-20 17:10:34 UTC
What does eating meat have to do with a rat? God gave us the animals on earth to use as we see fit. Read the Holy Bible. It is not a sin. Your body craves meat to eat. Eating soy or other veggies disguised as meat is no substitute. It is good you have compassion for all living things. You should. I myself, love animals, but I do not like vermin or them stealing food from my home. I protect my home and my family from them.

But, you cannot let vermin in your home or it will become their home. Facts of life. You can't save all animals and I am sure you don't want them running around your bed at night with you in it. Chewing on your hair or worse chewing on you.

The girl you are talking about is a drama queen and needs attention to get through life. She will only get worse. But, one day, maybe she will grow up and learn that she is not that important. She is a little fish in a big ocean. Just like all of us are. We are here to live our life in peace, raise a family, enjoy our children and make life fun. Because God, gave man a chance at eternal happiness. But Adam and Eve blew it for the rest of us. SO, we do what we can to stay happy and enjoy our time here and wait until God calls us home.
2006-05-21 00:31:37 UTC
Talk to someone in a position in your school to make policy changes. Humane traps (those that snap shut when the rodent is completely inside) are actually more effective than other types of traps. Maybe you can get someone to listen and change their method.
2006-05-20 17:42:22 UTC
Maybe you could talk to the janitor privately and ask if he could use a live trap next time and release the mouse outside. Please don't think of keeping it it is not a pet kind of mouse and wouldn't be happy kept in a cage.

hope this helps
2006-05-21 14:15:45 UTC
jeepwagoneer is a flake. pay no attention to that fool.

You have compassion...that is a GREAT thing.

Glue traps are so INhumane....complain to the principal...(I did) there are more humane ways to catch mice...make sure you have facts in front of you and try to sway them to use humane traps.
2006-05-21 11:22:24 UTC
Sounds in humane to me and i would be just as upset as you.

I love animal and i am real sensitive to something as far as even a rat. I think you should let him know how it made you feel.

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