If you couldn't eat meat, would you die?
2008-02-16 22:11:54 UTC
This is a very serious questions for the meat eaters. If you couldn't eat meat, would you die?
As we all know, you wouldn't die if you didn't eat meat. Matter of fact, the most healthiest diet is a well balanced vegan diet. If this is the case and we know it is not necessary to eat meat for health, then why do people do it?
For a group of people to continue to eat meat dispite the fact that it is not necessary for proper nutrition, means that meat eaters don't have hearts. I am serious, how else could you eat meat knowing all the suffering it went through. How can you do that and sleep at night? To me, you must be a very cold hearted person.
48 answers:
2008-02-16 23:34:59 UTC
This is a very serious answer for a person who thinks that she has the food intake solutions for the world.

I myself might not die, unless I was to die of the lack of enjoyment. I am wanting to know why most vegans do not solve the world huger crisis we have in the world right now. If vegans are so superior as to assume that everyone can have a healthy lifestyle by eating veggies, fruits, grains, and tofu , they are dearly mistaken.

Thats half of India's problem. They are starving from a religion that forbids the eating of animals, while they worship the cow, they even let their children starve. Their would be more of an abundance of food, if they were to eat the meat the hold sacred.

I think your question and explanation is very heartless. You go tell a person who lives on the street to go on a vegan diet, they will think you are nuts, because they take what they can get...even if it's a sandwich from McDonald's. I was homeless on the city streets myself at one point, and I had meat eaters offer me something to eat, but never once did I see a vegan bring me a salad.

How do you sleep at night little girl.
are ya fer real
2008-02-17 12:27:52 UTC
This question is so absurd that it really doesn't deserve to be answered. The human body dose not need meat to survive however. There are lots of good that come from the practice of eating meat. You don't hear we are having an invasion of illegals for the sole purpose of raising our meat. You have caused this pitiful invasion of the illegals into our country for your pleasure.You are with your Bashing igniting people to hate people who are vegetarians and vegans. you would rather divide the masses then actually conquer them. as for me i do have a cold heart. IT IS SITTING IN THE REFRIGERATOR waiting for me to cook and eat. you however only know what it is like to be a plant eater. Even though you would like me to believe that vegetables and grains are the only thing good for me you would have one nasty time of ever actually convincing me of that. As for your tofu that isn't something that real men eat. When was the last time you read in the Bible or any other religious article that they sacrificed a carrot to the alter. Until you are a grown up educated and at least semi coherent person may i suggest that you invest your time actually thinking thru what you would actually want someone who might consider becoming vegan or vegetarian might accept as an invitation. you catch more flies with honey then vinegar. you give your whole society a bad name and leave the taste of rotten fish in others mouths.

2008-02-17 12:09:59 UTC
I wouldn't die without meat, but why would you want to. MEAT is the best part of any meal from breakfast to dinner. If it is the case I am proud to be heartless because meat tastes SOOOOO good. I also prefer to hunt to get some of the meat I eat. I feel vegetarians must already have PKU or something like it, if they are willing to let an idiot like you represent them calling some one that eats meat immoral. to answer your last question I sleep rather well at night more so after hunting season after personally killing the animal or animals that is the MEAT in my freezer. good luck with your veggies, sucks to be deprived of one of life's best delights of eating meat as you are.

Alex P
2008-02-17 03:48:06 UTC
Look, I am with you about your love and care for animals. But this world is not black and white.

I´ll tell you why I can´t be a vegetarian.

I don´t like sweet tastes. I can´t eat sweet in the morning. I am skinny and have a fast metabolism. I need a strong breakfast to start my day. No corn-flakes, salads or pastry works for me in the morning. It´s not that I would die, but I would feel very week without my bread with butter, pork salami, prosciutto or smoked salmon.

For lunch I like pasta or vegetables but very often I starve for a Wiener Schnitzel, my hole existence scream for meat. It´s my nature, which I believe is for most people the same.

I wish we humans would be different, I wish I could live like you vegetarian life, but unfortunately

I simply can´t.

p.s. As a matter of fact I don´t. You are so one sided. And you generalize. We are all different, have you ever thought of that?
2008-02-16 23:58:26 UTC

For all those people that keep saying body builders cant be vegan/vegetarian please read these sites. Most people are jsut saying things that they believe and dont know. Meat IS NOT an essential protein at all and all people can live off a plant diet if they want to.

Being vegan is healthier, than any other diet possible and that isn't even touch the hormones and antibiotics, used in raising animals, and the possibilities and realities of meat borne illness, Mad Cow Disease etc. .

Better for your heart. Proven to reduce heart disease, and even reverse coronary heart disease.

Automatically lower s your cholesterol levels. The only foods that contain cholesterol are animal products, like meat and dairy. And since a three-decade-long study found that not a single subject with a cholesterol level below 150 has ever developed heart disease, that's hard to ignore!

Vegans have lower rates of obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, large bowel disorders, cancers and gallstones.

Reduces stroke risks and coronary artery disease.

Reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Reduces food poisoning. 95% of food poisoning is linked to animal products.

Your bowels will work much better, therefore, keeping your whole system healthier.

Live longer healthier lives. One 21-year-long study that compared meat-eaters and vegetarians showed that the greater the meat consumption, the greater the death rate from all causes combined.

Increased vegetable and fruit intake reduces your need for taking a multi vitamin plus increases your antioxidant intake.

Eating an organic vegan diet is one of the healthiest things a person can do for them self and the planet!

If a person is sensible, they can pretty much just give up meat and dairy and not worry about what they are eating, and be a lot better off!

Eat a wide variety of plant based foods, fruits vegetables, whole grains... limit salt, sugar, alcohol, refined grains, maintain a healthy weight, excersize... Why couldn't you ? Why wouldn't you?

I don't want to make this into a nutrition numbers site. But it seems that the people who actually question the nutritional aspects of a vegetarian or vegan diet have absolutely no idea how much of anything a person should be getting, and are generally the ones whose diet is lacking in something. Included below are the current findings in what a body needs, and where they are found in a vegan based diet.

The biggest concerns (or excuses) that still arise, when one mentions being vegetarian or vegan, is "How do you get enough protein?" While most of these people asking actually have no idea on how much protein is really necessary. They are still in the mind set of "meat is protein… you need protein… you need meat…" Where in reality protein is simply amino acids, and your body cannot tell the difference between amino acids whether it comes from a cow or a potato or a laboratory. A better question they should ask themselves is "How do you get enough vegetables? Enough vitamins? Enough fiber? A lot more people get too much protein, that is "wasted" than who suffer from protein deficiencies. Besides, too much protein has been even found to lead to things like prostate cancer among other diseases, and once your body has it's daily supply that it needs, it is just used as calories and converted to fat, which can be done easier and usually less expensive with carbohydrates and/or fats themselves.

There is also an old fashioned idea that you need to "combine foods" at the same time to make it a complete protein….. That is false. As long as you are eating a variety of foods everyday you don't have to worry about that at all. You can eat beans for, say, dinner and then rice the next day for dinner, and your body will combine the amino acids making it complete. Although, beans and rice are great together so often are eaten at the same time anyway. As are nuts and grains..... like a peanut butter (nuts) sandwich (bread/grain) = complete protein. Soy is a complete protein in itself, and since soy is such a mainstay in most vegan and vegetarian diet, no one needs to worry about complete proteins ever.

EDIT: I like Ashley/Christi she is funny and my she got 36 responses as well. The kid has talent she needs to do something with it!!
2008-02-16 22:32:45 UTC
Look - I will die. I'll die if I eat meat, die if I don't. I could give up beer too, but I'm not gonna. As to the tempreture of my heart... we all know that one person in the US uses up more resources than 14 in Kenya. So, a family of one is doing more damage living a western lifestyle than a mom and dad with 10 kids. Does that make the one westerner cold-hearted?
Big kid
2008-02-18 01:23:39 UTC
I wouldnt die, but if I stopped eating meat then I might turn into a raving, ranting, interfering lunatic like you. And frankly I would rather die than let that happen. Pass the leg of lamb!

Mmmmmmmmmm sheep limbs with mint sauce
2008-02-17 10:02:27 UTC
Of course I wouldn't die you silly woman! I eat meat because I like the taste of it.
2008-02-16 22:31:44 UTC
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think you answered your own question and really just wanted to rant, but so do I.

Without meat people are malnourished. The human body is designed and intended to be carnivore. For example, have you ever heard of a vegan body builder? No, because it is nearly impossible to gain muscle mass while eating this way.

Vegetarian symptoms: Becoming tired and listless, hungry all the time, your sex drive has evaporated, you have difficulty maintaining weight, and you're no longer emotionally "buoyant" like the "you" you used to know and others used to like. You're wilted lettuce. What happened?

You claim to love animals as an excuse for not eating them. Do you also not wear leather shoes, use glue, soap, or other animal products?

This is just activism, which is fine except what if I started a "save the carrots" campaign. It just doesn't make sense.

Thanks for the rant.
2008-02-17 00:08:09 UTC
christe/ashley. You're neither a vegan nor vegetarian. You are a meat eating troll who enjoys posting ridiculous questions & insulting other YA posters. Your sole aim is to give decent vegans & vegetarians a bad name.
2016-09-28 05:48:55 UTC
properly in case you have been suggested vegan, it may be unwise to consume meat good away - you will no longer die, you have gotten somewhat an disillusioned abdomen. you may desire to seek for suggestion out of your community GP and ask them the way you will desire to bypass approximately it. you may desire to introduce it into your weight-help plan slowly so as that your physique can get used to meat. in many circumstances you may desire to start up off with fowl and or fish; unquestionably stay faraway from beef, as you have gotten project digesting it. you will no longer die in case you consume meat, that's actually a fit way of life to consume beef 3-5 circumstances a week; people are omnivores, and subsequently we would desire to consume the two meat and vegetables/end result/legumes. pass onto crimson meats once you get the ok out of your GP. i like meat, properly particular meats; that's, as quickly as that is aside of your weight-help plan, stable for you (no longer the fatty stuff). ignore approximately people who say particular; scientists are asserting that alongside with lean meat in our weight-help plan is fit than a weight-help plan without meat in any respect. the only way you get bowel maximum cancers - for the guy who very quite does no longer enable digital mail - is from smoking, relatives historic past, no longer sufficient fibre (having a weight-help plan alongside with meat does no longer recommend that we don't consume fruit/vegetables/legumes and so on) and FATTY meats - word emphasis on fatty. There are some issues in meat which you won't be able to get out of a vegan weight-help plan. evidence which you will no longer be stricken by an early loss of life - my entire relatives, my neighbours and buddies all consume meat - none of them have dropped down lifeless. I in simple terms be attentive to of one person who died of bowel maximum cancers (he's no longer in my relatives) - became right into a smoker, did no longer have lots fibre in his weight-help plan and so on.
2008-02-16 22:19:40 UTC
Actually, if you do not get vitamin B12 which can now be synthesized but was previously available only in animal products you WILL die. Nothing is this world can live without causing the deaths of other entities. It is the wheel of life, full of suffering and death.

Make peace.
♠Mrs Reznor♠
2008-02-17 19:02:18 UTC
have you had any success with blending the corn so that it doesn't go completely to waste as it passes through your body and then sifted through your strainer?

I must say, you are by far the funniest person on Yahoo Answers.
2008-02-16 22:49:47 UTC
Plants are living things too and the fact that you eat them makes you a very cold hearted person as well - right???
Katherine B
2008-02-17 17:05:12 UTC
no way! i havent had meat in 14 years and i feel better than ever. if you think you need meat to survive you need to do some research.
2008-02-16 22:26:26 UTC
I love your question. I went vegetarian two months ago and I'm working on a transition to Vegan, but I'm 13 and my mom won't let me.

We live in a society in which people to not eat because it's healthy, they eat because of pleasure. I'm not sure why anyone would find flesh so delicious, but there you go. Corpses must taste good to some people.

I think that it is even more coldhearted when haters ask me questions like "do you eat animal questions?" and "Don't you know that VEGETABLES are living things, too?"
Rada Rey
2008-02-16 22:27:56 UTC
Yes, you don 't die right away if you don't eat meat. But, you won't live long if you only eat vegetables. Older exclusively vegetarian people specially women will all get osteophorosis as they age.

Those who exclusively eat meat don't live long either. The food pyramid , which suggests less meat and fish in proportion to vegetables, is still the best guide to living longer and healthier life. The oldest living people are on this diet.
2008-02-16 22:17:48 UTC
I disagree. Vegans lack protein in their diet, which is essential to health. We meat eaters grew up raised with the idea that we need to eat meat, so for us to change would be very hard indeed. Its unfortunate how the meat came about, but as many people say, "Survival of the fittest". We humans sacrifice other life in order to live, making us one of the highest creatures on the food chain.
2008-02-16 22:29:48 UTC
Genghis Khan, war-chief of Mongol horde that raped, pillaged and looted from Asia to Europe, was a devout vegetarian since childhood.
2008-02-16 22:22:05 UTC
Well, I myself am a vegetarian and my sister is a vegan, but I don't think it's your place to classify people as "cold hearted" because of their decisions. Maybe you feel that is immoral, but most people won't impose their moral beliefs on you. Maybe they think it's immoral to not eat meat. I support people in any of their choices as long as they have a logical/emotional reason to back it up.
Emily Huff
2008-02-17 08:32:38 UTC
Honey you already answered your question so why should I argue with you?

"If you couldn't eat meat, would you die?

As we all know, you wouldn't die if you didn't eat meat."

oh yeah and....

You go---um....girl? no, couldn't be...boy? idk...It? Yeah...You go it! Fight for those cows! Save your species! :P
2008-02-16 23:38:01 UTC
this is really long, but please read it anyway -- here's the thing... millions and millions of years ago there were prehistoric animals, and prehistoric humans. it was kill and eat such animals, or be their lunch. cavemen used the hides to keep warm, the bones to make tools, the meat to keep strong, and the fat to help them survive through the winters from Hell. the animals are not as they are today. they were either huge, or sly [like saber tooth tigers anf wolves]. there was no such thing as veggies, and even if there had been prehistoric man would have ignored them... no way could they sustain a whole tribe.

jump forward millions of years to American pioneers. these men and women also ate what they could kill and use in order to survive: again, it was eat or be eaten. only now it was bears and woves that threated them. these men and women chopped down trees, cut them into logs, and made houses out of them, in just one day in there lives, they needed thousands of calories in order simply to survive. Sooooooooooo, what you call "meat eaters" are actually everyday, ordinary people surviving on their natural instincts as human being.

Only did farming come along millions of years after cave men first roamed the earth. the fact that you have veggies to BE your diet is because of farming. and still, even though farmers grew veggies, they also raised cattle, pigs and chicken to sell. why? because meat is Mankind's mainstay. it's what gives us enough calories as humans to operate on a daily basis.

and nooooooooooooo, i'm not talking about people who gorge themselves on fast food, or any other gluttony. even mega atheletes eat meat -- the high amount of protein in such meat breaks down slowly, generating more energy longer. it's eating nothing but veggies that is odd. to say that it is cruel to raise cattle etc., just to be eaten goes against the very nature of Mankind.... people who ate meat in order to survive. it was kill a wolf and use his meat, hide, etc., or BE eaten by the wolf pack and --- well use your imagination. back in pioneer days, when there WAS farming, farmers sold cattle, pigs, etc, in order to get enough money TO survive -- to get cloth to make clothes, get firewood to heat their cold, drafty log homes, to get money for many things needed for their families to survive. So NOOO, a vegan diet is NOT the healthist diet on the planet. it is one of THE most deficient. it lacks protein in every way. at least vegetarians eat SOME proteins. but nothing but veggies? not enough calories to sustain a butterfly. and yes, we as humans NEED calories. we just need to understand HOW calories work. to not sit around on their butts all day and do nothing but playing games. you definitely need some protein in your diet, dear. i suggest you become a vegetarian instead of a vegan. vegetarians eat cheese, eggs, seafood, yougurt, nuts and peanut butter which have protein in them. a vegan diet does not. No caveman was ever hunted by carrots, cabbages or broccoli. veggies did not put them in mortal danger of dying. eating a vegan diet is the WORST diet you could be on.
2008-02-17 01:08:19 UTC
Ah a nice change of pace from the usual "I strained my poop with a slotted spoon andI noticed..."
2008-02-16 22:15:54 UTC
No. In fact, there are some people with a disease called PKU where they can't eat meat (or any protein) - if they do they will become mentally retarded. And of course there are vegetarians that don't eat meat.
2008-02-16 22:43:44 UTC
"How can you do that and sleep at night?" With a stomach full of meat. To me your an annoying person trying to make my opinion of right and wrong fit your opinion of right and wrong. Well i love my steak. and personally i just think your being silly. I leave you on a quote from Al murray "It's nothing personal against the cow, I didnt have a vendetta against him. Its just im hungry and he's made of beef."
2008-02-17 11:47:16 UTC
You know Christy, you give vegans a very bad name...
2008-02-17 00:01:26 UTC


As with any diet, a vegan diet requires planning. However, when properly planned, a vegan diet can be considerably healthier than a traditional American diet. In its 1996 position paper on vegetarian diets, the American Dietetic Association reported that vegan and vegetarian diets can significantly reduce one's risk of contracting heart disease, colon and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, and a number of other debilitating conditions.

Cows' milk contains ideal amounts of fat and protein for young calves, but far too much for humans. Cow’s milk also contains dozens of hormones only suitable for calf. And eggs are higher in cholesterol than any other food, making them a leading contributor to cardiovascular disease.

Vegan foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, are low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are rich in fiber and nutrients. Vegans can get all the protein they need from legumes (e.g., beans, tofu, peanuts) and grains (e.g., rice, corn, whole wheat breads and pastas); calcium from broccoli, kale, collard greens, tofu, fortified juices and soymilks; iron from chickpeas, spinach, pinto beans, and soy products; and B12 from fortified foods or supplements. With planning, a vegan diet can provide all the nutrients we were taught as schoolchildren came only from animal products.
2008-02-16 22:28:39 UTC
WELL........its necessary 4 proper nutrition..........i know there r some nutrients in veg. but not a variety. i mean to get proteins, u have 2 eat legumes, etc. i cant eat legumes evryday........uhhhhh dat'll be sick. i dont like capsules either, so meat is necessary 2 get certain nutrients. anyways, its not like if i stopped eating meat, den the world is gonna stop killin animals, think bout it. there r always animals goin 2 die, until evry last person on this earth is either dead, or is veggie. highly impossible.......but u cna always dream of a clean environment. but start livin in reality 4 ur own good.
2008-02-16 23:55:07 UTC
Opinions are like @rseholes

We've all got one.!

Why don't you mardy @rsed vegetarians back off and mind your own business.

I'm NOT interested whether you eat meat or you don't.

What I do know is I LOVE MY BACON BUTTIE AND IT'S MY CHOICE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-02-16 22:23:13 UTC
u def will not die from a vegan diet! i turned vegetarian when i was 10 (by my own decision) and have been vegan since i was 15 and im very healthy and balanced. my skin is clear my hair rocks and im not a fatty or a twig. the only reason i became vegan in the first place is bc i dont understand how anyone can live with themselves knowing a living, feeling, innocent fellow being is murdered for their tastebuds! all yall who can live with doing that are sick and demented! how is anyone that cruel and selfish?
2008-02-16 22:18:28 UTC
i know it would be unhealthy for me to stop eating meat because i don't eat any other source of protein, (and i quite enjoy myself a good hamburger every once in a while..) but if you know how to do it and stay in control, more power to you!
2008-02-16 22:17:56 UTC
Call me what you want, but you have no right to judge me for what I eat. Where's your proof that a vegan diet is the most healthy? And I'm not talking about a link to some biased website that regurgitates the same information over and over again. I'm a born and raised Alberta AAA ,redneck, farmer's wife house mom. Around here, we think about the same of you as you think of us.
2008-02-16 22:48:37 UTC
Well if we didn't eat meat, there'd be a HELL lot of chickens running around... LOL
Mimkat hate the new Yahoo Answers so has retired.
2008-02-16 22:16:35 UTC
Ashley/Christy. You're neither a vegan nor vegetarian. You are a meat eating troll who enjoys posting ridiculous questions & insulting other YA posters. Your sole aim is to give decent vegans & vegetarians a bad name.
2008-02-16 22:22:07 UTC
I love my fillet minion. But wouldn't die without eating it.
maggie mae
2008-02-17 01:10:25 UTC
probably not but these animals are for our own purpose i don,t approve of the way slaughter houses are but that,s our fault for not stopping it
2008-02-16 22:22:00 UTC
If you're trying to convert people then insulting them is not the right way to go about it.
2008-02-16 22:30:14 UTC
Are you f'ing serious? Yes we're all cold hearted people. Quit eliciting our responses.
2008-02-16 23:43:14 UTC
we are like animals! are teeth are designed to eat meat?
2008-02-16 22:25:26 UTC
Cows are dumb and deserve to be on my plate between two tasty organic whole wheat buns. With a pickle. Don't forget the pickle.
Aye. Right!
2008-02-17 12:53:03 UTC
2008-02-16 22:18:03 UTC
well, for sure you won't die. just about motivating yourself to be adapt to change.
2008-02-16 22:19:44 UTC
No, but you'd get very sick. And if you don't eat meat and you get symptoms like tiredness, weak , unenergised etc. Then you'll have to eat meat

gd luck!
2008-02-16 22:17:58 UTC dont think id sure miss it though....i mean i LLLOOOVE meat :S (sorry)....
2008-02-17 04:48:58 UTC
2008-02-16 22:41:32 UTC
2008-02-16 22:25:29 UTC
probably, i love steak.
2008-02-16 22:18:29 UTC
your really a poop

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.