I hear so many people say it's not healthy...if you took the percentage of unhealthy vegans and compared it to meat eaters, you'd realize that the vegan diet really is healthier.
There are many reasons to be vegan. For one thing, why contribute to the very inhumane slaughter industry? What's the point? People can and have lived very healthy lives as vegetarians and vegans so why contribute to something unethical and unnecessary?
And how are you so sure that humans were meant to be omnivores? There's scientific studies that show otherwise. Here's something taken from an answerer (Abel H) for one of my questions.
Humans are not Omnivores.. We choose to be Omnivores we are Biologically Herbivores
from a scientific standpoint, we were not designed to eat meat (look up Comparative Anatomy of Eating by Milton R. Mills, M.D.):
Facial Muscles:
Carnivore- Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
Herbivore- Well-developed
Omnivore- Reduced
Human- Well-developed
Jaw Type:
Carnivore- Angle not expanded
Herbivore- Expanded angle
Omnivore- Angle not expanded
Human- Expanded angle
Jaw Joint Location:
Carnivore- On same plane as molar teeth
Herbivore- Above the plane of the molars
Omnivore- On same plane as molar teeth
Human- Above the plane of the molars
Jaw Motion:
Carnivore- Shearing; minimal side-to-side motion
Herbivore- No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
Omnivore- Shearing; minimal side-to-side
Human- No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
Major Jaw Muscles:
Carnivore- Temporalis
Herbivore- Masseter and pterygoids
Omnivore- Temporalis
Human- Masseter and pterygoids
Mouth Opening vs. Head Size:
Carnivore- Large
Herbivore- Small
Omnivore- Large
Human- Small
Teeth (Incisors):
Carnivore- Short and pointed
Herbivore- Broad, flattened and spade shaped
Omnivore- Short and pointed
Human- Broad, flattened and spade shaped
Teeth (Canines):
Carnivore- Long, sharp and curved
Herbivore- Dull and short or long (for defense), or none
Omnivore- Long, sharp and curved
Human- Short and blunted
Teeth (Molars):
Carnivore- Sharp, jagged and blade shaped
Herbivore- Flattened with cusps vs complex surface
Omnivore- Sharp blades and/or flattened
Human- Flattened with nodular cusps
Carnivore- None; swallows food whole
Herbivore- Extensive chewing necessary
Omnivore- Swallows food whole and/or simple crushing
Human- Extensive chewing necessary
Carnivore- No digestive enzymes
Herbivore- Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
Omnivore- No digestive enzymes
Human- Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
Stomach Type:
Carnivore- Simple
Herbivore- Simple or multiple chambers
Omnivore- Simple
Human- Simple
Stomach Acidity:
Carnivore- Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
Herbivore- pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
Omnivore- Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
Human- pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
Stomach Capacity:
Carnivore- 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
Herbivore- Less than 30% of total volume of digestive tract
Omnivore- 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
Human- 21% to 27% of total volume of digestive tract
Length of Small Intestine:
Carnivore- 3 to 6 times body length
Herbivore- 10 to more than 12 times body length
Omnivore- 4 to 6 times body length
Human- 10 to 11 times body length
Carnivore- Simple, short and smooth
Herbivore- Long, complex; may be sacculated
Omnivore- Simple, short and smooth
Human- Long, sacculated
Carnivore- Can detoxify vitamin A
Herbivore- Cannot detoxify vitamin A
Omnivore- Can detoxify vitamin A
Human- Cannot detoxify vitamin A
Carnivore- Extremely concentrated urine
Herbivore- Moderately concentrated urine
Omnivore- Extremely concentrated urine
Human- Moderately concentrated urine
Nails :
Carnivore- Sharp claws
Herbivore- Flattened nails or blunt hooves
Omnivore- Sharp claws
Human- Flattened nails
-So do you veggies who are dont eat meat for the animals sake wear anything leather (shoes, coats) -Those for the environment (do you drive cars, consider the fumes that come from the farming equipment?)
I do it for the animals, and I don't wear anything that came from an animal. (i.e. leather, wool). I'm for the environment, but that's not why I became vegan. I do use a fuel efficeint car though. 35 miles per gallon...not a hybrid but good for its price.
-Do you treat all insects with respect?
I'll kill an insect if it's something harmful like a roach and not care. I'm against the inhumane treatment for animals in slaughter houses, so I guess I wouldn't be fore trapping up a bunch of roaches and breeding them and keeping them in tiny places while feeding them hormones and other dead roaches.
-Supplementing with vitamins will never be as good as the real thing you get from real foods.
I never take vitamins. No vegetarian or vegan should unless they have an actual medical condition.
-Animals used for food are bred to be food and would not exist otherwise
I'd rather them not exist than be tortured for their short lives.
-Most veggies that I have met have been rather skinny and pale (doesnt seem healthy to me)
Reall now? Because I've seen fat vegetarians before. I think you've just met a bad crowd of veggies. Vegetarians and vegans can be just as unhealthy as meat eaters. I wouldn't judge the whole lot by the few that you've met. To be honest, I've never met an unhealthy vegetarian. I'm vegan and am 5'5 and weigh 125 lbs
-Another that I knew forced her dog to eat veggie dog food, that is not right.
Many force their children to be veggie, it should be a choice
My dog loves vegetables and there are vegetarian dog food that's perfectly healthy. I don't see anything wrong with it. Also, yes, I do believe you should give your child the choice. If I had kids, I would raise them to be vegetarian until they could think for themselves and then I would give them the choice.
-Veggies are living things too, how come it is alright to eat one living thing and not another
Because their is no evidence that vegetables feel pain. They don't have emotions or a central nervous system. They're not part of the animal kingdom like people and cows and other animals are.
-Why ok to eat fish not cow?
It's not ok to eat fish and not a cow. There are people who claim to be vegetarian and eat fish, but they're really not vegetarian. They just seem desperate to be part of a group that they don't belong in.