vegetarian diets vs meat eating diets?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
vegetarian diets vs meat eating diets?
Fifteen answers:
2009-04-10 10:43:21 UTC
This is definitely not an unbiased answer. but I have to say that a Vegan diet is better.

A Vegan diet can easily turn unhealthy if you eat junk all the time. I'm a great example, I gained 30 pounds even though I'm Vegan, because all I ate was cakes, pasta and cookies. Now I eat better though.
★ツLyss ♪♫☮
2009-04-10 10:40:13 UTC
Definitely vegetable ones. my doctor said that being a vegetarian is the most healthiest diet anyone can go on. it prevents you from getting heart disease, and getting over weight, and other and allot of other problems.
2009-04-10 10:10:37 UTC
miss.nomer is half right in saying that a healthy diet is key, and there are vegetarians that eat junk and are unhealthy. However he/she's half wrong too. A healthy vegetarian diet is healthier then a healthy omnivore diet. There are things in meat - fats and cholesterols, not to mention antibiotics, growth hormones and arsenic (it's FDA approved to feed arsenic to chickens) that are not in vegetables. Any nutrition found in meat, on the other hand, is avalible from a non-meat source.

Here's an article from the American diabetes Association about a vegetarian/vegan diet being better for diabetes and heart health:

Here's the stance of the American Dietic Association, including facts like a vegetarian lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) raises HDL (good cholesterol) lowers risks of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and colon cancer:

Here' s the American Heart Associations stance:

miss.nomer, why do you insist on saying so many things that aren't true? Please do some research before you try to bait me. A single 3 oz piece of chicken breast (and I don't know anyone who only eats 3 oz usually) has 1.5 grams of fat (0.5 saturated) and 70 mg of cholesterol (that's 23% of the drd) That 3 ozs is also almost half of the protein you need in a day - doesn't leave much for the rest of the day, does it, considering that veggies, beans, nuts, whole grains, eggs and dairy all have protein. No wonder most Americans eat too much protein.

And that's white meat. One drumstick has 6.1 grams of fat and 47mg of cholesterol.

A plain white fish has 1 gram of fat and 31 mg of cholesterol in 3 ozs. Salmon is 11 grams of fat (3 saturated) and 47 mg of cholesterol

There are low fat meats but not no fat, and the above foods certainly don't look low cholesterol to me.

"You should learn the difference between good and bad cholesterol, it's not that complicated. Your just using cholesterol as a "hot button" word hoping that you audience will be as ignorant as you are."

With the sole exception of fish all meat raises your LDL (bad) cholesterol. Your body makes 1000 mg of cholesterol a day (more if you have inherited certain predispositions) you don't need more from meat.
2016-03-13 02:58:21 UTC
It's all about your will, man, and being conscious of what it really means to be vegetarian. You have to consider that it's for a true reason, and if that reason is that you dislike how animals are treated, then automatically it becomes your decision and you won't eat meat. But, if you have second thoughts about it and feel hesitant, then you are in conflict with yourself and you don't truly know what you want and don't want. I've been vegetarian for 2 years and I feel great physically and emotionally. I feel a deeper connection with nature and animals ever since. Think about it, I mean, I have nothing against people who eat meat for I've met people who are truly nice and eating meat doesnt make you a bad person. My conflict is with the people that kill and torture animals for production, so I refuse to help them by buying their meat. Hope that helped.
2016-01-15 15:55:56 UTC
Want to eat some delicious Paleo recipes as soon as tonight? Go here to get your awesome Paleo cookbook today

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2015-01-30 15:18:20 UTC
Diabetes is usually treated through a combination of diet (low sugar), exercise and medications/insulin. Milder cases can be controlled with just diet an/or exercise while more severe cases require meds or insulin as well.

Learn more
2009-04-13 21:54:22 UTC
vegetarian :)
2009-04-10 11:48:58 UTC
As long as you are getting the proper nutrients into your body, in the right proportions, it doesn't matter if they come from meat or not.
2009-04-10 09:58:57 UTC
Neither. A sensible balanced diet of either is healthy. A junk diet is just that, junk.
2009-04-10 12:35:26 UTC
Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
2016-05-13 22:58:46 UTC
2009-04-10 09:59:37 UTC
You picked the wrong place to ask this question and expect to get unbiased answers.... Since most of these people ARE vegetarians of course they are going to tell you how much better it is. The truth is, is that no diet is healthier than the other. You have some vegetarians who are very unhealthy, and you have some that are very healthy, just like meat eaters. A healthy diet is the key and a healthy diet is healthy no matter if you choose to eat meat or not.

Completely ignorant statement yet again wiccagirl, fish and chicken has almost no cholesterol and has zero fat while still being high in protein. Very healthy! Stupid... Just because I eat meat doesn't mean I'm out gorging on steaks and cheeseburger... How ignorant can you get. Although what did i expect from someone who worships a board game as her god...

You should learn the difference between good and bad cholesterol, it's not that complicated. Your just using cholesterol as a "hot button" word hoping that you audience will be as ignorant as you are.

Also, you do realize that the ADA has a healthy beef cookbook they sell online, right? By using them as a source you are directly contradicting your entire argument.
2009-04-10 10:00:10 UTC
A Vegetarian/Vegan diet is by far healthier. Meat eaters have a higher risk of developing colon cancer, heart problems, type 2 diabetes, and the list goes on and on.

Don't listen to miss.nomer, he/she is a pest and loves annoying us Vegetarians/Vegans. Of course the person asking this question is going to get ''unbiased'' answers, they posted it in the Vegetarian section! Good Lord!

EDIT: Miss.Nomer, please contain yourself, and don't insult others religious views, this is the wrong forum for that. I'm a Christian, and I just want peace, regardless of what anyone believes, and that will never happen as long as people put others down, such as you did to WiccaGirl24. Please, think about what you say/type, and how it would affect the person reading it.
2009-04-10 10:30:28 UTC
Niether. You can't survive off of a pure meat diet, nor a pure raw plant diet. (w/out supplements or processed food). The best diet is mostly plants with about 10%-30% meat.
2009-04-10 11:36:47 UTC
u gotta have a balance as far as i know both are stupid and u die from malnutrition

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.