Why do people make fun of vegans and vegetarians? If humans ever go extinct-it will be because of eating dead animals?
2020-04-30 03:45:27 UTC
Covid(which killed over 60,000 Americans and over 200,000 people world wide) was started because people ate meat. Same with Aids (people ate apes), Swine flu(hence the name "swine"), Ebola (which is believed to come from bats or apes as well) , mad cow disease and H1N1 (which came from bird meat) to name a few. All these viruses caused millions of deaths.

If humans do go extinct it will people ate some poor, abused, stressed, dirty dead animal from a western factory, or from some cage in Asia or Africa and spread the infection everywhere.

I eat meat, but just saying....
Twelve answers:
2020-05-01 20:19:50 UTC
Because they try and push their plant eating **** to us meat eaters. Like we have to be careful about showing us cutting meat on videos like on tiktok because of vegans that might be viewing. Just look tf away. Let me enjoy my cooked carcass.
Robert S
2020-04-30 20:22:36 UTC
Your assumption is incorrect.
2020-04-30 18:13:12 UTC
I have never made fun of vegetarians, vegans or any other group of people, whether it's religion, or ethnic background. It's not my style to do so. There always those who will make fun of some group of people, and this is something that's not going to change, at any time in the foreseeable near future. That fact that you like myself, also eats meat, as a part of your diet means absolutely nothing.

Now I'm going to get brutally blunt, with my next statement. Do NOT go making claims of fact, when there are none on which such a claim can be factually premised. There are many ways in which virus can be transmitted, your profile states that you're in the medical field, therefore you SHOULD KNOW better. In all likelihood you're somewhere in your early to mid twenties at this time. Most of us in this section, by and large, is much older than you are. A goodly number are fifty plus, with a very significant number being over sixty.Covid-19 has absolutely nothing to do with the eating of meat, and there are many vegetarians and vegans who has even stated as a fact, it's not a cause of eating meat. It's the result of a virus previously unknown mutating and evolving to the point of it being transmitted to us humans. Animal can and do act as transmitters of many diseases, and other pathogens, that are harmful to humans, however not necessarily to them. Now as to whether or not it lead to the extinction of humans is NOT known, nor is it even worthy of speculation at this point. However the probability of it doing so is quite remote. This is due the large number of people who live in some of the more remote parts of the world. In those areas of the world that are remote, they are for virus such as covid-19, are much to inhospitable, and the virus won't survive the harsh climate of those areas.

As far as the livestock industry, MOST countries has specific and some very harsh laws, regarding how they're treated. There are many like you, whose diet contains meat, that falls for the claims that are put forth, and videos that are either outdated, from some less develop nation, a third world nation, and in other cases, were staged to make look authentic. However some of those countries, to the best of their ability, are starting to catch up and crackdown on such practices.
Nekkid Truth!
2020-04-30 17:00:28 UTC
Covid isnt food borne...  So, no it was NOT caused by people eating meat.   Viruses mutate easily because they use the DNA of their host to multiply.

It spread easily because of POOR HYGINE PRACTICES in a dirty market.

People have gotten diseases from eating salads too.

Swine flu (which is H1N1) is spread the same as other colds and flus..  It doesnt come back to eating meat.

Aids isnt food borne either.  There are very specific ways Aids can be spread.. And food isnt one of them

Ebola also is not spread by food.  It is spread by close and direct physical contact.

Prion disease (mad cow) can be spread by using the manure of an infected animal on crops too..   Prion diseases are unique in that they are NOT bacteria or viral.  Prions are protiens and cant be "killed"

And many of these species only exist BECAUSE of the meat market.  Domestic cows, pigs and chickens would NOT exist at all if we didnt raise them for food.  These are species that dont exist in the wild.  The predecessor that the domestic cow comes from is now extinct..  So there would be NO cows at all if we didnt raise them.

Maybe you should actually do research on how these diseases can or cant be spread before going on a rant
2020-04-30 13:47:57 UTC
do u know how stupid u sound? 
2020-04-30 11:50:02 UTC
In general people don't make fun of vegans or vegetarians - the huge majority of people have NO interest in what other people eat.

The problem is that the only contact lots of people knowingly have with vegans (or even vegetarians) is via sites like this, and when the make silly, misinformed, ridiculous statements, like you have done, they tend to make all vegans and vegetarians appear foolish ( it's like some people believe all Muslims are terrorists, others believe that all vegans are idiots).

First, no animal ever “goes” extinct - they become extinct. It's very, very unlikely that this would be caused by an animal eating a normal diet: humans are omnivores, omnivores normally eat both meat and plant material.

Eating “dead animals” is, I think, preferable to eating animals that are still alive which is what many omnivores do although really, humans don't usually eat dead animals - they eat meat and other products that are produced from dead animals.


I'm not aware of large numbers of people dying as a result of contracting the human variant “Mad Cow Disease” but in the UK I believe only a few hundred people, over many years have even been diagnosed with it. “Mad Cow Disease” was not caused by humans eating meat. As I understand it, it is thought to have resulted, in cattle, because of bad feeding and husbandry practices. Once present, it could then be spread to humans who ate infected meat.

The other diseases you mention have nothing to do with eating meat and are not food-borne. 

Edit, No Ruth, NONE of those diseases originated with people eating meat. You really are very misinformed. How can you be SO wrong?

@ Coach Simon: sometimes it better to say nothing and risk people thinking you're a fool than opening your mouth and leaving them in no doubt at all! You need to buy a dictionary and look up “omnivore” as you obviously don't know what one is!
2020-04-30 05:55:02 UTC
COVID-19 wasn't caused by eating meat. Quit lying and quit exploiting the coronavirus pandemic, in order to push your agenda. Even if the whole world was vegan, these diseases would still happen. I believe there's at least a possibility that COVID-19 was a judgement sent from God because of militant homosexuality, and because of false prophets like Benny Hinn.

Vegans are not invincible. They can get sick the same as anyone else. And if any of them are sodomites, they will still get STDs. Being vegan won't stop that. 

As a straight man, I will never go vegetarian or vegan. Not only that, COVID-19 is spread from person to person. You can't catch a foodborne illness from another person.

This blaming everything, no matter what it is, on meat eating is dishonest and wrong. End of story.

@Coach Simon: You are a liar!
2020-04-30 04:00:29 UTC
H1N1 = swine flu. 

People make fun of vegans because they’re hypocrites. They say they don’t eat meat but you see them wearing leather belts, shoes, purses. 
2020-04-30 03:50:48 UTC
This is a load of rubbish. COVID would have happened regardless of what people ingest. There is NO proof that it came from someone eating meat. SARS viruses come from animal BITES. COVID has origins in the SARS VIRUS category. Stop trying to scare people unnecessarily.
2020-04-30 03:47:13 UTC
The only reason one human doesn't eat another is because it tastes bad.
2020-05-04 22:57:25 UTC
Do you realize that you're willingly making yourself look like a complete moron?
2020-04-30 20:00:48 UTC
NONE of the diseases you mention is foodborne, with the exception of vCJD. , and that is rare, and has been eliminated by changes in the way beef cattle are raised.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.