omg im scared!! (about being a vegetarian)?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
omg im scared!! (about being a vegetarian)?
Sixteen answers:
2007-08-07 13:37:18 UTC
Don't listen to all these people saying "you'll die without meat".

Read this link:

The American Dietetic Association says that vegetarian (and even vegan) diets are appropriate for ALL AGES.

Who are you going to trust: a large national association of dieticians, or some guy on the internet with an anecdote about how his vegetarian friend got cancer?
2007-08-07 10:50:51 UTC
Don't be scared - vegetarianism is easy and super healthy! I have been one for as long as you have been alive (14years) and I am in great health and have never had one single problem due to eating a plant based diet.

Get a vegetarian starter kit and learn the basics - make sure you eat enough calories and don't rely on junk food (but be sure to treat yourself to some every once and awhile!).
2016-05-21 03:45:14 UTC
It's not that bad, really. I mean, it IS a little bit disgusting, but it's an easy A if you don't faint or run away. Tip: ask your teacher for a boy frog. The girl frogs are almost always filled with eggs when you dissect them.
2007-08-07 19:51:48 UTC
A vegetarian diet is completely healthy if done properly. There is nothing in meat that cannot be found in another source. Many people are misinformed about vegetarianism. I have found that when people who eat meat hear someone is becoming vegetarian, they try and convince them to continue eating meat(like they are losing one of their own to "the other side, lol)

I have heard some of the most interesting "facts" from meat eaters. Let me guess what you have been told, you wont get enough protien, you'll become enemic, you can't get b12, you won't grow.... and the list goes on. All of these statements are untrue and show just how little some people know about vegetarian diet.

The one thing to remember is that you need to replace the nutrients you are no longer getting from meat with other food.


The average person only needs about 50 grams of protein per day. Protein is in everything, just look at the side of boxes. In todays world it is very hard to be protein deficient if you are eating a wide variety.

High protein foods include:

soy milk, tofu, nuts(Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts (black)), seeds, legumes(Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans, Lentils, Lima beans, Navy beans, Soybeans, Split peas), grains(Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Oatmeal, Rye, Wheat germ, Wheat, hard red, Wild rice), vegetables(Artichokes, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Green peas, Green pepper, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard green, Onions, Potatoes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Turnip greens, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini), fruits(Apple, Banana, Cantaloupe, Grape, Grapefruit, Honeydew melon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Strawberry)


Like vitamin B-12, iron is a crucial component of red blood cells. Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark, leafy green vegetables, and dried fruit are good sources of iron. To help your body absorb non-animal sources of iron, eat foods rich in vitamin C — such as strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli — at the same time you consume iron-containing foods.


Vitamin B-12. Your body needs vitamin B-12 to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. This vitamin is found almost exclusively in animal products, including milk, eggs and cheese.

Many doctors advise taking a multi-vitamin regardless of weather a person is a vegetarian or eats meat. There is no harm in taking a vitamin if it makes you feel more confident that you are getting enough of your vitamins.

The key to a vegetarian diet is variety. Eat a variety of whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits and you should be fine. Di your research and learn as much as you can about being a vegetarian. There are so many recipes out there, I gather mine from family, friends, magazines, books and the Internet. Being a vegetarian is not as hard as most meat eaters make it out to be. Meat is not the magic food giving all necessary nutrition, IMO it does more harm to the body(heart disease, cancers, etc) than good.
2007-08-07 10:48:14 UTC
i am 14 too. i don't think you will have health problems. just make sure you are getting the right vitamins and minerals. don't be a junkfood vegetarian by replacing meats with sweets. i have been vegetarian for almost a year and i think it is healthier than eating meat.

Vegetarians have less chance of developing many common diseases and health conditions: heart disease, hypertension, many cancers, obesity, strokes, osteoporosis, kidney stones, diabetes, hypoglycemia, kidney disease, peptic ulcers, gallstones, asthma, diverticulosis, constipation, macular degeneration (deterioration of the retina), and many other diseases and conditions.
2007-08-07 10:54:04 UTC
alright buddie.

lets simmer down ;o)

i started my vegetarianism when i was 14 too.

im now on my way to being 18.

i dont eat healthy at all. but im perfectly fine.

w.e i guess its just up to you.

if your that scared.. you should either forget about being a vegetarian.. or just make sure u eat right.

its not that hard at all.

you can take vitamins , drink really awesome protein shakes eat all ur fruits and veggies.

you dont need to eat meat to stay healthy.

your actually better off NOT eating it


if you need anything u can always email me .
2007-08-07 13:44:29 UTC
I'm a vegetarian and I'm 14. I eat soy burgers, veggie bergers, and things like that. Just don't skimp out on the things rich in protiens.
wonderful life
2007-08-07 13:57:13 UTC
Im 15 but I did a lot of research before I made this change and no you probably wont suffer health problems in fact you greatly reduce your risk of various cancers, heart attack, and lower bad cholesterol's.
2007-08-07 10:38:17 UTC
Look up some stuff on google or yahoo about vegetarian/vegan/pesetarian foods that are high in vitamins and protein. Ask people on here, and don't worry.

I'm thirteen and I've been fine.

And I have about everyone against me around here.
2007-08-07 10:47:24 UTC
Um... firstly... calm down. Second, I'm 15, vegetarian for some time now, and I'm healthy! All you need is the right amount of soy protens, and some dark leafy green vegetables. I like your avatar by the way...

Eat this...

vitamin B12: dairy products, eggs, and vitamin-fortified products, such as cereals, breads, and soy and rice drinks

vitamin D: dairy products, calcium-fortified orange juice, and vitamin-fortified products

calcium: dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, chickpeas, and calcium-fortified products, including orange juice, soy and rice drinks, and cereals

protein: dairy products, eggs, tofu, dried beans, and nuts

iron: eggs, dried beans, dried fruits, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and iron-fortified cereals and bread

zinc: wheat germ, nuts, fortified cereal, and legumes
2007-08-07 10:39:00 UTC
You will have health problems if you keep eating animal meat and processed foods...listen...just eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains like natural breads and oatmeal and you will be gorgeous and this website--->

Good luck!!!
2007-08-07 10:47:10 UTC
i feel the same exact way im becoming a vegatarian too and im not the best at keeping a good blanced diet WITH meat so.....i know how u feel
2007-08-07 13:46:56 UTC
being a vegetarian isn't dangerous, as long as you research enough to figure out what combinations of foods you should eat to get all the nutrients you need each day
2007-08-07 12:16:35 UTC
I know someone that has been a vegitarian for years and she cannot get pregnent and she has had numberous health problems.

We humans were born with fangs and molars...used for cutting and grinding up meat. I like the one answer from the one person who is 13 that says she is fine bing a wow, your so old and you've been a vegitarian for so long!

You should go out to kill and eat something soon, before it's too late.
2007-08-07 10:41:20 UTC
at some beans and avacado and you will be fine
2007-08-08 00:04:46 UTC
You don't have to dive right in without doing whatever research will make you feel confident and comfortable with it. Don't be scared, if you have a good head on your shoulders, you will surely succeed as a healthy vegetarian.

There have been vegan Olympic gold medalists and a vegan woman can create an ENTIRELY NEW,HEALTHY HUMAN BEING INSIDE OF HER. Many of these children stay vegan and grow up to be perfectly healthy adults. So just keep yourself educated about what you eat and don't let anyone tell you that a veg diet is lacking anything essential.


There is a Japanese analogy/proverb that goes like this, "The nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down". People are like this everywhere. When you tell your family that it is your personal belief that animals should not be eaten, they take a look at themselves and it can be subconsciously translated into, "What you do is wrong and I choose to be right."

Your parents have probably been taught a huge amount of misinformation by their parents and their teachers while growing up. You really need to research vegetarian diets and health before you even think about saying the "V-word" in front of your parents.

When you have gathered enough information and feel confident in a vegetarian diet's ability to maintain or even improve health, you may mention to them that you have made the decision. They may be shocked, angry, worried, curious or many other things, but you must NEVER react to their behavior and always stay calm. If they are able to speak to you and respect your choice, please tell them everything and answer all questions. If they are rude, inconsiderate, judgmental, violent, or verbally abusive, refuse to continue any conversation until they can speak to you with respect.

The best advice is to study everything that you can about a healthy vegetarian diet and keep yourself in good shape (better than most people your age or than your friends/family if possible). If nobody that you know shows a genuine, positive interest in your choice, don't give them the privilege of the knowledge that you have gathered. Work your way around any attempts they make to trivialize your beliefs and if possible, go shopping with your parents and buy things that aren't obvious veggie fare. Instead of trying to sneak fake meat into the cart, toss in lentil soup, peanut butter, pasta, fruits & veggies or anything else that you have learned is needed to fill any gaps in your diet.


If you want to become a lacto-ovo vegetarian, the transition should be quite simple. Almost all meats have widely available commercial replacements. All that you have to do is replace any flesh in your diet (beef, pork, poultry, seafood) with meat analogs or just leave it out altogether.

You should keep in mind that a journey such as this can be quite short but should just be the beginning of a longer one to a plant-based diet with no animal products. This is because of the reality of factory farming in which animals that are kept alive to produce milk, eggs, etc suffer much more and longer than animals that are raised to a certain weight and then slaughtered.

Some people use the word "vegan" in reference to this idea, but be aware that applying that label to yourself should always come with the inclusion of wise activism and advocacy.

Two extremely important examples of this are that you should never speak to someone about vegetarianism/veganism without their consent and genuine interest or as a comment on what they are eating AND your dietary beliefs should never be used as an introduction or explanation of who you are as a person. Veg*ism should be something that comes up AFTER people get to know you and they offer you a situation that makes it confusing to withhold the information/discussion. Also, if you are presented something that you choose not to eat or you are

ordering food/eating together somewhere/picking the best place to eat.

When you you hold off on the subject until it's necessary and then act like it isn't a big deal at all, people are usually surprised and WAY more interested and curious than if you were to bring it up when someone's eating or just using it as a conversation starter.

A responsible vegan ALWAYS studies the subject of their own health and how to keep their body completely provided for in every sense.

To neglect their body is to define a plant-based diet as unhealthy and is the opposite of helping the animals.

Just to clear things up, the vegetarian/vegan diet is not composed of salads, vegetables, fruit and fake meat. Fruits and vegetables are always important but they DO NOT make up the largest portion of any healthy diet.

A balanced plant-based diet includes grains(breads, pasta, rice,cereal), legumes(soy, beans, peas, lentils), fruit and vegetables.

Being vegan can be an art, one whose challenge is to take things that involve the suffering of the innocent and change them into something free of cruelty.

A vegan woman can create an ENTIRELY NEW,HEALTHY HUMAN BEING INSIDE OF HER. Many of these children stay vegan and grow up to be perfectly healthy adults. So just keep yourself educated about what you eat and don't let anyone tell you that a veg diet is lacking anything essential.

Technically the term "vegetarian" does imply that you don't consume anything that comes from the body of an animal that requires killing it. Many ingredients such as gelatin and glycerin are found in many candies, Fig-Newtons, and many of other foods as well as rennet found in many cheeses.

The best thing to remember is to take your time so that for example: when you are comfortable not eating beef and pork you can then give up chicken when you are sure you can make the commitment permanently.

Depending on your age or reliance on parents or regional options, it may not be best to give yourself a label. The important thing is to do your best to make progress and be committed to your compassion towards animals. Never put your focus onto what you or other people use to describe yourself.

If you meet someone that talks down to people for eating meat, dairy, etc or to you because they think they are "more veg" than you, laugh in their face and tell them they are a disgrace to the entire philosophy. People like this only hurt the idea of veg*ism AND the animals. The point of all of this is to live compassionately and and as free from cruelty as you can, all the while maintaining your health and a positive attitude. People who don't maintain either, need not open their mouths and represent our beliefs.

If you actually choose to read all of this, I hope it helps. If not, feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.


I'm vegan and these are some of my favorite things to eat:

Breakfast: bananas, cream of wheat with brown sugar and soy butter, cereal, pancakes or french toast with real maple syrup, vegan "sausage" patties, smoothies.

Snack: BRUSSEL SPROUTS =) no joke

Lunch: VEGAN "SAUSAGE" SANDWICHES, sandwiches with vegan deli slices(Tofurkey is the only one that's kinda funky), fruit, dinner leftovers, couscous salad, vegan sushi, potato or pasta salad.

Dinner: sloppy joes, "sausage" and gravy with homemade biscuits, Spaghetti and Trader Joe's "meatballs" or TVP, lasagna, Thai pad see ew, pad khi mao(drunkard's noodles), pad prig king, tofu+eggplant with basil sauce, yellow thai curry with tofu or vegan chikn and veggies and jasmine rice, Indian dal with homemade roti or dosai, channa masala, aloo gobi, vegetable or minestrone soup, pizza, STEAMED "PORK" BUNS with potstickers or spring rolls, sweet&sour/orange/lemon chikn, vegan pho or wonton soup, baked tofu, BBQ homemade seitan (tastes like meat from boiled+BBQ'd ribs)

I use these sites to find recipes:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.