Before I became a vegetarian I dated one, and I lived with a "meat reducer." I used to give them so much crap about their lifestyles.
I was young and athletic, I believed I was healthy; able to run 10 miles in an hour, hiked up to 400 miles on any given trip while carrying close to eighty pounds on my back.
But, I was ignorant about my diet.
After my dad had a major coronary; he had a minor one at the age of 28, I decided to get checked out. The doctor told me I was on target for a major within 4 years, I was 24.
I started toward vegetarianism that day. Within the year I was vegetarian. Within another two years I was vegan. I remained vegan for close to six years. At 32 the doctor told me I had the heart of a 16 year old. It was also at the point I returned to eating small amounts of dairy. I don't know why, I think it was for the ease of it.
It has been 18 years now, my five brothers have all had heart problems, they refuse to become veg. My dad is still alive, and also has problems with my choice. I used to get much more grief than I do today, but I still get some. They are starting to realize I am the only one without a problem to this point. Maybe one or two will wake up.
Since becoming a vegetarian, I have met so many animal rights activists, that I picked it up as part of the culture of veg'nism. I have successfully written to radio stations to get them to stop advertising greyhound racing, my personal interest. It wasn't the original reason, but it sure does help me keep honest about my diet.
I am glad to say that two of my nieces are now vegetarian, so my family has to start being a little more accomodating.
Thank you for your time.