what a load of rubbish!
a vegetarian eats no meat and there are 'sub categories of vegetarianism:
lacto-vegetarian- includes milk in their diet as well as veggies
ovo-vegetarian- includes eggs in their diet as well as veggies
lacto-ovo-vegetarian- includes milk and eggs in their diet as well as veggies
then there are 'pescetarians' who dont eat what they consider as meat (i personally count fish as meat aswell though)
there are also 'pollotarians' who eat poultry and no red meat, they consider this 'kind-of-vegetarian', again i personally count poultry as meat, they dont. (pollo-pescetarian is a person who eats fish and poultry)
then there are meat eaters (strictly speaking, in terms of the animal kingdom this is called 'omnivore'. humans cannot live on meat alone (carnivore) and must get many other nutrients from other sources.
there are also vegans (many people mix up vegan and vegetarian, they are completely different!) they eat only plant matter and cut out not only meat, but all meat derivatives and byproducts of animals (this means in their lifestyle as well, not just their diet. they dont drink milk or eat eggs and they wont wear or buy leather, buy any product tested on animals or any product that contains ANYTHING from any animal. (some vegans go as far as not having certain pets, especially if those pets have to live off a carnivorous diet (eg. cats)
a parent has the right to give their child a balanced diet, and when the child is old enough the child has a right to decide how they want to eat (whether they want to be any of the above terms)
perhaps her parents tell her she's a vegetarian and brought her up as a vegetarian, but outside influences make meat available for her to eat? if she's quite young (mentally) she might not understand what vegetarianism is, what it means. she may not even understand death yet.
does she only eat processed meat? if so then i have seen this before, my cousin says she is vegetarian because its easier to say that than explain she only eats reformed chicken, frozen products such as fish fingers (also reformed) and processed sandwich meats.
i hope this makes things clearer for you and your friend, perhaps you could print off the helpful answers you got and show them to your friend? it may help her understand better.
Good luck
White Wolf =]