Can you eat chicken and fish and still call yourself a vegetarian?
2010-05-26 15:06:47 UTC
I have a friend who calls herself a vegetarian but she stills eat chicken and meat and if there's nothing else to eat she eats ham. I don't really think of that as a vegetarian and tell her that's dumb, (vegetarian's don't eat any meat right) but she still considers herself a vegetarian.

Apparently she says you can't be legally a vegetarian until your 16.
27 answers:
Grey Haven
2010-05-26 15:09:17 UTC
Your friend has no idea what she's talking about. There's no legal age limit on vegetarianism. She's just trying to look important by lying.

My friend wanted to be a vegetarian but her parents wouldn't let her. They said she could stop eating meat, but they wanted her to eat fish so she still got protein. If you only eat fish you're a pescitarian. When she was fourteen they let her eat no meat or fish at all.
2016-06-03 05:05:36 UTC
I didn't become a vegetarian to prove anything to anyone. I really don't ever discuss it. It just gradually happened that I began to prefer the way I felt physically, eating less and less meat and animal products in general. I take a multi vitamin and liquid minerals since they're missing from all the foods we eat in the USA. Also I've seen how chickens are housed, as well as dairy cows, and worked in fresh fish processing, so I have alot of memories that are repulsive in that regard. Still, I ocasionally eat seafood , chicken, eggs, cheese and beef because they taste good and I'm hungry. I don't think it's hypocritical to cut down . I lean toward vegetarianism now as a personal preferance.
2010-05-26 15:14:46 UTC
A vegetarian is technically someone whom doesn't eat meat.

People hae interpreted it in many ways however.

My sister for instance believes that because she is a vegetarian she cannot eat anything with a face,

however some people assume fish is not meat because it doesn't breathe oxygen.

I think that you could interpret being a vegetarian however you want,

its my personal belief that being a vegetarian is not eating any animal [or thing with a face.]

But I understand where your friend is coming from. My mother won't allow me to be a vegetarian till I am 16 years of age. Maybe she took that literally.

However there is not legal age limit to being a vegetarian.

So in that your friend is wrong.
2010-05-26 17:27:32 UTC
Sometimes when people have a baby they feed their baby a vegetarian diet, and that baby grows up as a vegetarian. So 16 has nothing to do with it. Also eating chicken is not vegetarian nor is eating fish,
2010-05-26 15:52:49 UTC
I am completely amazed at your stupidity almost more-so than your friend who calls herself a vegetarian.

Firstly, ave you never Googled anything in your life ? A quick search of the word 'vegetarian' should have your questions answered.

Semi-vegetarian, POLLO VEGETARIAN ... are you kidding me ? Are you people making these terms up for shits and giggles, or to make yourself feel better because you include yourself in the large demographic of idiots who consume some animal products yet want to still fit in with the cool crowd ? Face the facts; if you consume anything that resulted in the death of an animal, you are in NO way a vegetarian. PERIOD. If you eat fish, you are not a vegetarian ! You can toss the word pescatarian around all you want, but you are killing an animal, and consuming it. You're not a pescatarian, you are a moron.

I almost feel as though you asked this question because it is in fact you wanting to know if eating ham is a vegetarian thing to do.Since when did pigs and fish become inanimate, non-breathing slabs of nothing ? Somehow they slipped under the "things we cannot eat if we are vegetarian" radar ?

If it was breathing and now it isn't in order for you to consume it, you can't eat it if you're a "vegetarian". It isn't a very hard.
2010-05-26 15:27:23 UTC
No. You cannot eat chicken call yourself a vegetarian.

Many people do eat fish and call themselves vegetarians. It's a difference of opinion for a lot of people whether fish are animals and have emotions or feel pain.

I don't eat fish because I don't want to fund overfishing and if it's not safe for me to eat pregnant than I don't want to eat when I'm not. The jury is still out on feelings and

emotions. I'd rather not tempt it.

Oh and the age limit thing...haha
2010-05-26 15:37:31 UTC
what a load of rubbish!

a vegetarian eats no meat and there are 'sub categories of vegetarianism:

lacto-vegetarian- includes milk in their diet as well as veggies

ovo-vegetarian- includes eggs in their diet as well as veggies

lacto-ovo-vegetarian- includes milk and eggs in their diet as well as veggies

then there are 'pescetarians' who dont eat what they consider as meat (i personally count fish as meat aswell though)

there are also 'pollotarians' who eat poultry and no red meat, they consider this 'kind-of-vegetarian', again i personally count poultry as meat, they dont. (pollo-pescetarian is a person who eats fish and poultry)

then there are meat eaters (strictly speaking, in terms of the animal kingdom this is called 'omnivore'. humans cannot live on meat alone (carnivore) and must get many other nutrients from other sources.

there are also vegans (many people mix up vegan and vegetarian, they are completely different!) they eat only plant matter and cut out not only meat, but all meat derivatives and byproducts of animals (this means in their lifestyle as well, not just their diet. they dont drink milk or eat eggs and they wont wear or buy leather, buy any product tested on animals or any product that contains ANYTHING from any animal. (some vegans go as far as not having certain pets, especially if those pets have to live off a carnivorous diet (eg. cats)

a parent has the right to give their child a balanced diet, and when the child is old enough the child has a right to decide how they want to eat (whether they want to be any of the above terms)

perhaps her parents tell her she's a vegetarian and brought her up as a vegetarian, but outside influences make meat available for her to eat? if she's quite young (mentally) she might not understand what vegetarianism is, what it means. she may not even understand death yet.

does she only eat processed meat? if so then i have seen this before, my cousin says she is vegetarian because its easier to say that than explain she only eats reformed chicken, frozen products such as fish fingers (also reformed) and processed sandwich meats.

i hope this makes things clearer for you and your friend, perhaps you could print off the helpful answers you got and show them to your friend? it may help her understand better.

Good luck

White Wolf =]
Just this guy, ya know
2010-05-26 17:28:08 UTC
Your friend is a 24 carat gold plated idiot

a. Fish and chicken are meat: not vegetarian

b. What is gonna happen to a 15 yo vegetarian are the meat police going to arrest them. Being a vegetarian is not illegal for anyone .... yet.
2010-05-26 15:15:26 UTC
First there are no vegetarian laws. Hence there are no rules on what a vegetarian can or can not be. And you can be a vegetarian sometimes, and an omnivore other times. It is really just up to you.

Second if she wants to call herself a vegetarian let her. Yes I know people who eat eggs and milk and consider themselves vegetarians. I know some who do not eat meat and do not consider themselves vegetarians (because they can not eat red meat do to colon cancer). Quite trying to live up to a label and eat what you want to eat.
La Vie Boheme
2010-05-26 16:26:32 UTC
There is no law as far as age when it comes to being vegetarian. It's a diet choice. Vegetarians do not eat any dead animals. Your friend is not too bright.
an on
2010-05-26 18:42:43 UTC
a lot of vegetarians are actually ovo-lacto vegetarians but don't go around saying that. you can be pollo- vegetarian and just say vegetarian. you can be pescitarian and just say vegetarian. if this wasnt true then the word vegan wouldnt have gotten invented 40 years ago.

i think its corny to eat anything that isnt a vegetable and still call yourself a vegetarian but im not the word police.
2010-05-26 15:09:50 UTC
No, not thats not a vegetarian! Especially the chicken thing... and what does age have to do with anything. She can call herself whatever she wants but she's also lying to herself.
Dave C
2010-05-27 10:36:31 UTC
It's a self-esteem issue and the desire to be part of a group while also being "unique" and "different".

I've run across many self-proclaimed vegetarians who still eat meat. Usually, it's girls trying to be seek attention.
2010-05-26 16:17:41 UTC
No. As far as I know eating chicken and fish is still eating the flesh of animal and aren't vegetarians not supposed to do that. Eat some effin meat and don't worry about it, People were built to do so.
2010-05-26 16:31:39 UTC
You can call yourself a vegetarian but you won't really be a vegetarian.

You can call yourself an astronaut or a unicorn if you want; it doesn't make it a fact.
2010-05-26 20:57:52 UTC
Yes she can call herself a vegetarian - in the same way I call myself a non smoker, which I am except for cigarettes.
2010-05-26 15:09:53 UTC
Nope, to be a vegetarian you don't eat any meat.
2010-05-26 15:31:11 UTC
Oh you are in for it now, these people in this section don't like it when someone eats fish and still calls themselves a vegetarian. They are all into labels way to much.
2010-05-26 15:13:11 UTC
my friend is like that. i don't think that's a vegetarian
Frank F
2010-05-26 15:13:05 UTC
your friend is a nut case there is no age limit and fish chicken and ham says she's a carnivor I believe she thinks being a veg head is cool so she calls herself one but she's not
2010-05-26 15:26:03 UTC
Um, no. She is not a Vegetarian.
Hippie Love
2010-05-26 15:10:28 UTC
If she eats any red meat then no.But there are many types of vegetarians. In here case she is both:

Pesco Vegetarians: Allow fish in their vegetarian diet.

Pollo Vegetarians: Eat a largely plant-based diet but do allow poultry to be consumed.

Check here for more info:
2010-05-26 15:21:17 UTC
Is this a serious question? I can't work it out
2010-05-26 15:15:30 UTC
Sure---if I can call myself the Queen of England.
I Love Bees
2010-05-26 15:24:42 UTC
I'm sorry but your friend is dumb. lol
2010-05-26 15:11:52 UTC
she is stupid cause vegatarians' do not eat meat all!
2010-05-27 01:43:39 UTC

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