Is eating meat cruel?
2014-07-13 10:30:21 UTC
I am not a vegetarian or vegan but sort of feel bad about it. I follow a load of pet people on Instagram because I am very passionate about animals my motto is 'nice people don't exist, neither do horrible animals' but they always try and persuade me to be vegan. My mum ALWAYS makes sure the meat we eat is from the uk (where animals are put down humanly and always have great lives before so not places like holland where animals are kept in awful conditions and killed brutally) and she always makes sure it has the red tractor symbol (proves animals have been put down humanly). I don't think I should be vegetarian as I'm a natural omnivore and meat is an important part of my diet, I know you can get protein from other foods but meat is basically an essential. But I feel quite bad, you know? Like I see little piglets and then I'm like oh that's gonna be ham in a few months :/ What do you guys think? I wish I could kill my own food, then I could work for it, not have it as often and feel better but I'm not really an expert on going into people's fields and shooting their cows :/ Is eating meat cruel?
93 answers:
2014-07-14 11:30:41 UTC
People saying no - so killing isn't cruel to you? Hmm.

I am completely respectful of the fact that humans are natural omnivores. But eating equals killing and killing is still cruel for whatever purpose, even without the horrible conditions our meat is raised in (I'm not sure where you got the impression that animals killed in the UK are killed humanely? That's not true for many places in the UK and the red tractor is also not to do with how animals are killed). I'm not a vegetarian myself and what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be to understand that fact - killing is wrong. It always is. Despite the fact we are natural omnivores, killing is wrong. I'm not saying don't eat meat, but KILLING IS WRONG and we should not be blind to that fact as we eat meat. It is nature and nature is not fair or just, the food cycle is cruel and that's okay as long as humans appreciate it. There are not only two options- thinking killing is wrong and so not eating meat, or thinking killing is okay and so eating meat. No one should ever think killing is okay and so omnivores and vegetarians alike should both appreciate that killing is wrong.

So I would say go vegetarian if you really want to, as long as you can supplement. But staying as an omnivore should not make you think that killing is okay. You should really feel bad, that's the hard nature of it. What you're doing is natural, that doesn't mean you as an intelligent human don't have the capacity to feel bad. Same for going vegan, you might want to consider that as the dairy industry can be extremely cruel.

What I am trying to say is that it is the food chain. It is natural. Humans need the stuff found in meat. But appreciating this DOES NOT mean you can't also appreciate that killing is involved in this natural food chain and killing is cruel.
2014-07-14 17:56:32 UTC
I am a hunter, what i do is the right thing if we don't kill animals then population would increase rapidly we would have bears and other predators roaming the streets attacking children and such plus if there are too many animals like deer and rabbits etc.. they will eat all our plants and all the **** you vegans and vegetarians feel the need to only eat. God made us and no i don't think killing is okay but i do kill i hunt to feed my family it's the circle of life, like in science class you learned about the food chain each animal depends on another or you can look at it as survival of the fittest, you vegans have no right to tell us that animals should be HUMANELY dealt with or not at all well i hunt and i put them down humanely as you can a vital shot kills them instantly so they feel nothing and you vegans are destroying their habitats by eating all the vegetation. Humans need meat or we will die from the lack of protein and amino acids and other vitamins and nutrients we need to survive. Don't be a tree hugging ****** and be human you aren't saving anything by eating no meat, plants are alive if you want to be technical about murder. So before you vegans sit there and say i murder animals for the ******* hell of it think again i am bettering you, the environment, the world and making sure my family has a meal on the table every night. (p.s i prey to god asking for his forgiveness and also thanking him for my kill and that i only wish his mercy on that animal) also i swear to god if i see another protest on the topic i am gonna go home and get buckets full of grass and throw it at you and tell you that vegans are murderers. Good day to you
2014-07-13 14:41:22 UTC
I believe God, or the universe if you prefer, made us dependent on other living beings to live so we would remain a little humble in spite of our incredible ability as human beings. We all kill to live, whether we kill plants or animals.

I also believe all life is sacred, and so we should approach taking a life to support our own lives and those of people we love with due respect. I word in a beef processing plant, and while I am working I often give thanks for the sacrifice of the cows, and pray that they will enjoy a happy afterlife (whatever that may look like to a cow).

As concerns cruelty, I am sure there is some. But at my facility, we constantly retrain team members in the humane treatment of livestock, and the government also watches that closely. Recently a supervisor with around twenty years of service made a mistake knocking a cow (rendering it insensible, for subsequent killing by bleeding the animal). He had to do it a second time, which probably caused the animal some pain. Because of this mistake he was offered a choice between immediate termination and reassignment to a job dealing with the carcasses well after they are dead (a less desirable job in his estimation). Only because of years of good service was he offered this... typically a person in his position would have been discharged.

So while I am probably the only person among our roughly 2500 team members praying for the cows, we do try hard to not make them suffer.

So my advice is: Eat meat if you please, but whether you eat meat or only veggies, do so with gratitude and respect. :)
2014-07-13 12:29:06 UTC
Typical response from people who have totally detached themselves from their food and taking it for granted. It's not something to be proud of, you need to learn a few things and that is getting away from the internet and seeing what's real.

Also may I add in the UK animals are still kept in horrible conditions in industrial farming unless you choose organic and free range.

Oh and nice people do exists and horrible animals also exist but all in all it's a very negative Moto.
2014-07-13 18:01:05 UTC
Probably cruel. I myself do not eat meat. I try to be even minded. My conclusion is the animals many people eat are not meant to be breed and slaughtetered in such vast numbers.You do not have a natural instinct to eat a creature pumped with growth hormones and other drugs , a creature which never knew a bit of the normal activity it was meant to know.Please be a nice guy/gal and not too self righteous in your belief that these feeling creatures have nothing more to live for than filling your belly - it's bad for your heart anyway.
2014-07-13 17:07:33 UTC
As long as you're aware and you eat meat killed humanely, you're fine. You'd be fair game to some animals if they got their paws on you, so the same applies to them. It's good to raise awareness about the animal cruelty that occurs within the food industry, and also to try prevent it, but there's nothing innately wrong with eating meat. Animals eat meat too.
2014-07-14 10:50:58 UTC
It's an interesting dilema. I advise you don't give into the pressure some vegans will put on you. As a vegetarian I think it's cruel to kill animals for the sake of eating them when there are alternatives. Obviously if it was my life or the chicken's, the chicken would be the first to go. If you've been eating meat all your life I can understand why you might not want to become vegetarian, it would be quite hard to break away. Do whatever you think is right (although I'd advise against becoming vegan, vegetarian maybe).
2014-07-15 06:52:09 UTC
I didn't claw my way up the food chain to eat Veggies!! There is a difference between cruel and cycle of life. We are not herbivores, The true fact is that there are many animals that die horrid deaths everyday and it has nothing to do with us. If anything we feed and shelter animals in the process, as opposed to a wild animal living off the land and starving to death. Death always sucks, but in fairness to the ranchers, the animals were well cared for in most cases. Cows and Chickens are good to eat, but just because they get slaughtered doesn't mean they had a bad life. They are all the grains they wanted and never had a problem finding food or had famine. Animals have a hard life, unless the human tend to them.
2014-10-29 21:47:31 UTC
If you look at it a certain way, not being a meat eater is cruel because the animals are slaughtered anyway and if no one eats it, it lived and died in vain. A perverted outlook, maybe, maybe not. Also people depend on the sales of meat at all levels so you are depriving them of their livelihood, that could be considered cruel also. I have cats, one a pet and one a stray, I feed. They are as about as intelligent as the japanese beetles I kill on my plants. I have to show them where the food is when I move it. It is in plain sight but they cry and moan as if being starved. Torture is cruelty, leaving pets in hot cars is cruelty, slaughtering an animal for food isn't.
2014-07-15 16:11:29 UTC
In a Christian perspective, God gave the land and animals so we can subdue them and use them for our daily needs. So I say it's not cruel at all to eat meat. But if you're not a Christian, then I guess it's up to you. People have been eating meat for thousands of years so why can't you?
2014-07-14 08:03:12 UTC
I'm vegetarian and I don't view eating meat as cruel. That said, by purchasing meat, you are contributing financially to the industry that does many unspeakable things to defenceless animals.

Remember my source the next time you eat meat.
2014-07-14 07:25:03 UTC
Yes, it freaking is. We are lucky enough that we can live a healthy life without eating animals. Meat is a luxury, not a necessity. And it's cruel to cause pain or end lives unless you absolutely have to. And we don't have to.
♥♥♥Greta Oto♥♥♥
2014-07-13 19:07:23 UTC
The way in which meat is produced is beyond horrifying, yes , it is cruel and if you are concerned about where your meat is coming from I suggest slowly shrinking your meat intake until you become vegetarian :) and then maybe one day vegan! Thank you for thinking and caring about this! a lot of people go their whole lives without even considering all the lives lost to feed them.
2014-07-13 15:32:25 UTC
Lots of creatures eat other creatures whilst they are alive and seeing what is happening to them. Buffalo being eaten alive by lions, is horrific. We kill animals without that pain and are the only creatures that do. We are designed to eat meat. We have the teeth for it. Jesus ate meat. As long as it is done painlessly, I have no problems with eating meat. I would not like to look like a vampire as some vegans do.
2014-11-04 15:47:27 UTC
to say is that you don't have to be to understand that fact - killing is wrong. It always is. Despite the fact we are natural omnivores, killing is wrong. I'm not saying don't eat meat, but KILLING IS WRONG and we should not be blind to that fact as we eat meat. It is nature and nature is not fair or just, the food cycle is cruel and that's okay as long as humans appreciate it. There are not only two options- thinking killing is wrong and so not eating meat, or thinking killing is okay and so eating meat. No one should ever think killing is okay and so omnivores and vegetarians alike should both a
2014-07-13 10:34:10 UTC
no it's not. people and animals alike have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands or millions of years.

your ancient hunter gatherer types often had nice little rituals and prayers and things that they did to to thank the natural powers that be, whatever they were, for the meat. That's not a bad gesture.
2014-07-13 11:19:45 UTC
Meat animals are not allowed to live long lives. They are sent for slaughter as soon as they reach full market-weight. Meat animals are killed at a young age because it is not considered economically-sensible to continue to feed and house an animal that is not going to grow any more meat on its body.

Even livestock-raising websites confirm what I'm telling you:

Pigs are slaughtered at 6-10 months of age:

Chickens are slaughtered at less than 2 months of age:

Cows are slaughtered at no more than 3 years of age:

The American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the world's largest association of Registered Dietitians) have all stated that properly-followed vegetarian diets are healthy:

American Diabetes Association's statement on vegetarian diets:

American Heart Association's statement on vegetarian diets:

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics statement on vegetarian diets:
2014-07-14 10:40:53 UTC
As much as i adore farm animals and all animals, I'd say here purpose on earth would be to be eaten whether it's by us or another animal
2014-07-13 11:56:22 UTC
Of course it's not cruel. it's natural. but if you feel bad about it, get protein from other foods too :)
2014-07-14 02:54:51 UTC
In my opinion,it is....I think we human are really cruel and selfish...I really like to be a vegeterian but since I'm still a teenager my doctor says that I shouldn't....
2014-07-15 07:12:36 UTC
Yes. As humans we were not made to eat meat! I am studying biology in university! We were made to eat plants and insects! We were made to get vitamins and such from insects. Our appendixes were made to digest grass! But it is not used because we only eat meat etc. Got to love biology.
2014-07-16 04:49:54 UTC
Sometimes, I do think, "poor animal got killed :(".

Though I believe KILLING them for meat is cruel, but eating the meat is not.
2014-07-14 13:06:37 UTC
No it's not
Gerry G
2014-07-14 08:53:49 UTC
Not at all.
2014-07-13 14:50:34 UTC
Meat eating is part of life. Humans are omnivorous (we eat both plant matter and meat - we have the teeth and digestive track to do so). That's how it is.

Yes, we can get all our protein from other sources and perhaps this is something everyone should make more of an effort on - maybe 1-3 veggie meals per week.

Let's take beef cattle. They are bred for meat - they are NOT pets. So if everyone in the whole world went veggie, beef cattle would die out (no point in breeding them). So we would be directly responsibe for killing off animals.

So let's not make the whole world go veg*n (veggie/vegan). So, beef cattle are still being bred - We need a bull and a cow (male and female) to produce a calf so we have meat to eat. But, a bull can father lots of calves so we only need a few bulls. So what happens to the male calves? - well, some will be kept to breed from. The rest will be killed (we can not practically keep them all alive - we would be overrun with animals - sheep, pigs, cattle etc). So since we are killing the excess males, we may as well eat them. I personally think it wasteful to kill an animal and not eat/use the whole thing (If an elephant dies in the wild, the local tribes will use everything they can - sure, the poachers may take the tusks but the local people will take the tail, the eyes, the meat, the bones etc). So we eat the excess.

Dairy cattle - same principle. Unless the whole world goes vegan (again, we kill off dairy cattle), we still would need dairy cattle. Vegetarians eat dairy products so contribute to the killing - how? Well, again it comes down to the male calves. The bull mates several cows and fathers lots of calves. Only the female calves are of any use (they produce milk) - so again, the majority of the bulls need to be destroyed. So whilst we are destroying them..let's eat them.

BUT - I do think there is a lot we can still to do ensure good living conditions and humane killing. "Free range" does NOT mean "living on a grassy field 24/7. - there is a legal requirement that counts as free range. So that is an area which could be improved upon.

The labels on food will have a legal requirement (such as must rccieve 50% grain diet, or must be outside for 2 hours per day) - but there is no requiremtn for the rest (so a 50% grain diet may also have 10%ash, 10% water etc and just be "bulked up" with any old cr*p). - this article says "Under the EU rules for free-range production, nine hens can be crammed into every square metre of floor space.

Outside, the farmer must have at least 10,000 square metres of space for every 2,500 hens. But there are no rules to say how often the birds must visit the outside world". It also says how "free range" is "access to outside" whether or not the chickens choose to go out (or can get out past the masses)

I disagree with halal slaughter - purely because the animal is not stunned and then has its throat slit. Done incorrectly, the animal will suffer. It can take 8 seconds for an animal to die from bleeding out - and it wont have been stunned first.

I do think slaughering methods need to be looked at and made as humane as possible.

If you want to eat meat and want to be humane about it, the best thing you can do is provide for yourself. Own you own animals, rear them how you want them reared and slaughter them in the humane way you choose.

I eat meat. I enjoy meat. I personally do not see the point in fake meat. I feel if you wish to be veggie, that's fine. But do not preach to me about how good you are when you still contribute to the conditions you say you are so passionatley against.

But, there was also a recent article that plants can tell when they are being eaten. I think they "hear" (through vibrations) themselves being eaten and produce a line of foul-tasting chemicals (designed to deter the predator) - so if you think it is wrong to harm something that sense being killed/eaten etc, you shouldn't eat plants either.

So I'm mixed. Meat eating is just part of life - it always has been in the past and obviously wild animals do this ot survive. But I think there is a LOT we can improve on to make the conditions better. And yes, we could all give up a couple of meaty meals per week to help out.
2014-07-13 14:45:12 UTC
If you look at it a certain way, not being a meat eater is cruel because the animals are slaughtered anyway and if no one eats it, it lived and died in vain. A perverted outlook, maybe, maybe not. Also people depend on the sales of meat at all levels so you are depriving them of their livelihood, that could be considered cruel also. I have cats, one a pet and one a stray, I feed. They are as about as intelligent as the japanese beetles I kill on my plants. I have to show them where the food is when I move it. It is in plain sight but they cry and moan as if being starved. Torture is cruelty, leaving pets in hot cars is cruelty, slaughtering an animal for food isn't.
2014-07-13 11:21:23 UTC
No, its not the eating part that is cruel, the cruel part is when the guy had to kill the cow, that was the cruel part.
2014-07-13 10:45:55 UTC
Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights?
2014-07-13 10:38:41 UTC
no its not its how nature is. What we should do is treat the animals better before we kill them.
2014-07-13 10:37:39 UTC
It's not cruel, it's the food chain, animals whose meat we eat are below us in it.
2014-07-14 19:34:30 UTC
no its not
2014-07-14 16:04:39 UTC
It's not cruel, it's a part of life. But if you go vegan I won't go against it, everyone to their own at the end of the day. But personally I eat meat and think it's necessary to do so.
2014-07-14 13:01:38 UTC
ugh. I hate it when vegans try to force their opinions down other people's throats. People will eat what they want. No matter how much annoying vegans complain there will still be people who eat meat.
2014-07-14 08:43:06 UTC
Yes, eating meat is cruel.

Even the best conditions are still pretty crappy for animals. Eating meat is not essential in any way. Becoming a vegetarian can actually be a very healthy transition for a lot of people. There are a ton of sources of protein for vegetarians








-Almond and soy milk




-Fake meats

-Seeds (hemp and chia)

etc. etc. etc.

Every nutrient you miss from eating meat can be easily supplemented. If you are going to become a vegetarian, do some reading first about nutrients. Carnosine, creatine, and vitamin b12 are VERY hard to get naturally in a vegan diet and I would recommend supplementing those. Iron, selenium, and omega-3s are tricky to get but can you can easily get enough from a well-balanced diet. I've found chia seeds to be a fantastic source of omega-3s.

Seriously, please don't contribute to the cruelty, by eating meat you are going to hurt and kill a lot of animals, there's no getting around that.

If you decide to become a vegetarian, be careful about your diet.

Good luck!
2014-07-14 03:21:18 UTC
According to me it is not good to eat meat as we have no right to kill animals just for the sake of our happiness .
2014-07-14 01:10:49 UTC
No point in denying it........ It is Cruel to some extent.

But it's not gonna stop any time soon.

That's why Animals should be allowed to live free and open lives, and be slaughtered as quickly, painlessly and humanely as possible, and why Factory Farming and Ritual Slaughter methods like Halal and Kosher should be banned, and you should never waste meat... Or any food for that matter.

If U want to get involved in killing your own food, you might want to see if there's a way you can get involved in a Hunting Club that kills deer/rabbits, won't be as easy if you live in an Urban area, but it's possible. My Dad used to do it, and ironically, despite stereotypes about Hunters, many of them have more respect and compassion for animals than most people.
2014-07-14 00:45:39 UTC
2014-07-13 19:42:34 UTC
Nope, their beyond feeling you chewing on them!
2014-07-13 18:05:55 UTC
No, I do not feel cruel, because this is fate. Like someone very rich, spend 10,000 dollars a meal, but some people are hungry. This is fate. ( there is nothing cruel.
2014-07-13 15:56:17 UTC
No it's not cruel, eating them means they're being killed quickly and eaten. A vegan/Vegetarian means eating their natural habitats and killing them very slowly........also we're classed as animals......if other animals eat other animals, we have a right to....
2014-07-13 15:42:56 UTC

Stop believing the horrible propaganda spread by vegans and PETA.

Animals can't have rights. They are not self aware, can't reason and run off instincts, not intelligence.

You cna't murder animals. Murder is a term that can be applied ONLY to humans. Meat will never be illegal since its not only natural, its good for you. Humans are omnivores, you need meat to be healthy.

Those vids are all 100% fake. They are shot outside the US or in illegal slaughterhouses and have CGI added in. REAL slaughterhouses never, ever bet, mistreat or hurt the animals. It would ruin their profits if they did since an animal that is stressed out can't be eaten. Animals are killed via a captive bolt gun. It destroys their brain so they never feel a thing

Domesticated livestock are FOOD> They are not pets. They are food. Once they hit market weight they are slaughtered in a humane manner. What is the point of letting them live longer? No farmer has the thousands to waste on just ONE cow or steer which can live 10+ years and do nothing but eat and crap.

Domesticated livestock are not pets. They dont love. They dont have the capacity for it.
2014-07-13 11:58:42 UTC
Cruelty is when you torture an animal unnecessarily or for enjoyment. You're killing the animal for food, and as long as you show that animal the utmost respect before and after life, then it's not cruelty. It IS sad, I agree. If you can't get over that feeling then vegetarianism might be the best option for you. I am a part of the food industry, however.
M'aiq The liar
2014-07-13 11:27:03 UTC
Eating meat isn't cruel.

Buying or producing it is cruel. It's totally unnecessary. In other areas of our lives, when killing isn't necessary then it's frowned upon. People who strangle cats are psychopaths, people who abuse their dogs are cited for animal cruelty. But people who slaughter massive amounts of animals, merely because they taste good which means they can be sold for profit, are given billions of dollars in government food subsidies. But when causing pain is unnecessary, it's cruel.

ANY type of unnecessary killing is cruel, it's impossible to kill something "humanely." Most animals have an interest in living their own lives (excluding animals like sea sponges and jellyfish, who have no brains or true nervous systems) and at least warm blooded animals (birds and mammals) have the necessary anatomical and chemical substrates to have internal lives, consciousness and thoughts. No animal wants to die, therefore it's wrong to force them to die JUST so we can have food that tastes good rather than so we can have food that we need to survive (and we don't need meat to survive. Most of us don't, at least)
2014-07-13 11:22:54 UTC
Your opinion isn't the same as my opinion, also paragraphs.
Melissa D
2014-07-13 11:22:03 UTC
No it is not cruel. We a part of the natural food chain. It is natural for us to eat meat. If none of us were to ever eat meat at all then we would be overpopulated with animals which would take over. there are a lot of vitamins and nutrients you miss out on if you do not eat meat. While I do not agree with killing animals for sport, or killing endangered species Eating meat is a natural part of life, as that is what they were put on this earth for.
2014-07-13 10:45:28 UTC
No it is not
2014-07-13 10:44:51 UTC
Eating meat is cruel because all meat is produced by doing animal cruelty. We can live without eating meat, so there is no need to eat meat. Meat is the main reason for most of the sufferings that animals have to face.

Meat is not at all essential. It is true that meat contains many nutrients (that the animal have), but we can get all the nutrients we want from other sources.

If you spend some time with cows, goats, chickens, etc.. you will know that they are very lovely animals, and they don't deserve to die for meat. Killing animal is also cruel. People will say they are eating humanely killed meat, but believe me, there is no humanely killed meat, all meat involves animal cruelty. The animal will still feel pain and is forcefully killed.

Think like this, do you want to live as much as you wish? So does the animal, they want to live. We are forcefully killing them when we can live without killing them. The animal does want to live, we are not allowing them to live. It's cruel to eat meat.

So, eating meat contributes to animal cruelty, so it is cruel. Don't eat meat if you love animals.
2014-07-13 10:42:18 UTC
I dont believe it is, its the food chain really. You need meat its important.
2014-07-13 10:36:56 UTC
Nope, it's good that you and your family feels bad for killing other animals, but it's a natural thing so just go along with it. At least your mom is caring a little too
2014-07-13 10:34:50 UTC
Eating meat is a part of nature, and the Ecosytem. Not eating meat deprives you of the essential nutrients that you need. The Animals that you eat can still have a good live, and then be turned into meat to eat. Look for things such as free range chickens, or meats at the grocery store.

It's the basic concept of the food chain, the big fish eats the little fish. In order to survive, we need to eat littler things (and sometimes bigger things). If we don't eat them, We'll starve.

Yes, sometimes animals can be treated cruelly, and that's not a good thing, and It should not happen. But, You can purchase food and meats that were raised free range, etc. that were not treated cruelly.
2014-07-14 21:03:37 UTC
no its not and dont let people tell you otherwise thats how people get insecure
2014-07-14 08:52:06 UTC
It's always up to you, as much as I love animals, I can't get myself to eat veggies all the time, I wish I had the power to do so! Humans need iron to keep your body healthy. You can get a lot of iron in red meat or vegetables. I don't know about your country, but a lot of the labels lie, there really is no humane way to kill an animal.
2014-07-14 01:15:03 UTC
No, animals eat each other all the time, often whilst the other is alive, and it's very, very cruel.

Animals also kill for fun and toy with their pray, Look at dolphins killing orcas or lions toying with baby boars pawing them before they kill them.

There is good and bad everywhere, it's all a balance, just try to be a good person and keep eating meat that's been killed in a quick clean way like you are.


You could try a vegan diet, see how you go for a month, you never know, it might make you function better or worse.
2014-07-13 23:46:28 UTC
no, Oh I don't feel cruel, it's by nature.......and be a vegan, if you would want....
2014-07-13 11:31:09 UTC
NO! yeah sure throw Holland under the bus. Most 1st world places do have laws like the UK and USA, Canada. places like Mexico and some 2nd and third world places have no laws like in the USA regarding how they are killed.
2014-07-13 10:43:14 UTC
Be a vegan please if you care be a vegan. Your paying for the murder of THOUSANDS of innocent animals. Please do the right thing. Be a vegan. Watch slaughter house videos. Its so sad

My mum forced me to eat meat , meat should be illegal. Be a vegan.we care.
2014-07-15 03:03:38 UTC
How would eating plants save animals? Cows, pigs, and chickens all eat plants. Won't eating their food source also kill them?
2014-07-15 15:53:09 UTC
no the human body has adapted eating no meat can cause health affects this is fact
2014-07-15 08:21:31 UTC
No it's not
2014-11-15 20:13:34 UTC
and going to circuses and zoos. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights?
2014-07-13 16:52:29 UTC
Huh, lemme ask you this, do you think that starving is cruel? If you said yes, then eating meat is not cruel.
2014-07-15 04:19:30 UTC
Watch this and tell me you are at least somewhat more humane than other animals. It took more than a half hour for the sea lion to die. Cats also play with their food...
2014-07-13 10:56:38 UTC
You have to decide whether or not it's cruel to take a sentient being's life. I personally think it's wrong (I think "cruel" is too strong a word to use here).

ADDENDUM: Must have struck a nerve.
2014-07-14 22:35:01 UTC
Self explanatory
2014-07-15 16:15:16 UTC
Just a short non-attention seeking answer passing through here.
2014-08-04 21:10:07 UTC
It goes both ways
2014-07-13 20:12:35 UTC
It depends on your religious beliefs,spiritual and philosophical belief system
2014-07-13 20:45:44 UTC
According to my happy stomach every time I consume it, no!
2014-07-15 21:58:13 UTC
No, it's not, but we must keep animal welfare in mind.
2014-07-13 21:02:40 UTC
of course not ,people need survive. and this is the world . everyone need their own need .
2014-07-15 21:59:50 UTC
No. Killing them maybe, but their already dead so why let them go to waist?
Abdus Salam
2014-07-14 06:53:32 UTC
The fact is that we are omnivores...
2014-07-14 08:17:09 UTC
yes thats why it tastes so good lol
2014-07-15 04:32:04 UTC
No brotrher
2014-07-14 17:03:33 UTC
No it is not
2014-07-15 19:40:22 UTC
Not in the slightest.
2014-07-13 22:38:09 UTC just watch this
2014-07-16 16:18:23 UTC
No, never.
2014-07-16 08:28:22 UTC
No, never.
2014-07-16 14:15:45 UTC
no it is not
2014-07-15 21:07:41 UTC
no its not
2014-07-14 09:56:34 UTC
no its not
2014-07-17 03:09:44 UTC
2014-07-15 05:08:50 UTC
2014-07-14 01:33:36 UTC
2014-07-13 16:22:22 UTC
2014-07-13 15:54:59 UTC
2014-07-13 12:45:43 UTC
2014-07-15 08:50:59 UTC
2014-07-17 20:55:21 UTC
It is..
2014-07-15 20:37:38 UTC
It is..
2014-07-15 05:58:51 UTC
It is..
2014-07-15 03:18:42 UTC
It is..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.