A lot of red flags:
you need maybe ONE or TWO servings of fruit per day for energy- you're spiking your blood glucose in the morning about as much as eating two candy bars, even more so if you drink sweetened almond milk. All you're doing is starting off your day by feeding your body sugar as a fuel source as opposed to fat- you should be starting each day by feeding it healthy fats from nuts and seeds and avocado. Ketosis is what equals weight loss.
And eating heavy meals late in the day is likewise related to weight gain and insulin resistance- your blood glucose rises throughout the day. Your heavier meals should be in the morning and taper off throughout the day. "A lot of vegetables" is not too great, but "a lot of vegetables" + fruit (sugar) + bread (REFINED sugar) + hummus (pureed sugary legume)?
Try using a nutritional calculator to figure out your macronutrient breakdowns and you might be shocked.
Sweetheart, I'm an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognized member and hold additional accreditations in nutritional support and diabetes education. The "facts" you suggest I check are that the people you refer to in my experience tend to devote the majority of their free time (hours and hours a day) to rigorous exercise, so a certain amount of carb-loading is necessary for them. From what I can gather, you are not doing this currently, and don't PLAN to engage in that level of intensity required to burn off that amount of glucose, which would otherwise be stored immediately as fat.
"Sugar alone will never be understood"
It's effect on the human body IS understood- lots of it causes weight gain and insulin resistance. Insulting me won't change that.
"no sugar is the same"
I think what you mean to say is that "no two types of sugar are identical".
This hardly negates the above.
"& you can study sugar chains your whole life & marvel in their complexity. The sugar in fruit is a miracle to convert a substance into bodily energy IS a miracle."
"Marvels" and "miracles" and talking about "never understanding something" doesn't strike me as a scientific approach- it's someone who's content in their ignorance.
"The body adapts to "sugar spikes""
Hundreds of millions of overweight (and millions of diabetic) Americans say otherwise.
Let's not be silly.
"& when it does learn to process fruit"
The body can "process" fruit just fine, actually.
That doesn't change that someone trying to lose weight (IE fat) shouldn't be encouraging the body to live off SUGAR. It's just silly.
"there is no limit."
"One to two servings of fruit of day is your advice, malnutritionist."
...MAXIMUM. I'd have thought this a given.
The body assembles it's own carbohydrates from proteins ALREADY, you know.