Why do meat eaters invade.......?
2006-05-23 17:04:50 UTC
Why do meat eaters invade a vegetarian/vegan room. As a vegetarian I feel sick seeing meat eaters answers to vegetarian/vegan questions. Do they come here because they know deep down they are wrong lol ??????
23 answers:
2006-05-24 11:21:20 UTC
I agree everyone has a right to voice their opinion as long as it has some revelance to the issue and is not arrogant.

I am new to Q&A but in a short time I have discovered what you are talking about. My reasons for being vegan are spiritual and to read some answers given by anyone other than a vege/vegan can be quite disturbing.

I try to be tolerant however when ignorance and stupidity hit you in the eye it is hard not to feel as you do.

Let's stand by our convictions and hope they find a hobby.
2006-05-23 22:12:47 UTC
Vegetarians are not the only ones who visit here. It is a great interest to others (meat eaters) to know why vegetarians are vegetarians. Simply because they do not understand that meat eating is not the only way to go in life. Vegetables are good for you but your average "Joe" doesn't understand how to live a vegetarian life nor do they know how to prepare foods based on the vegetarian life. Please just take it as a curiosity and not a slur against vegetarians. Thank you for your question.
Mad Mum
2006-05-24 04:56:08 UTC
Some of there answers are very unpleasant. I feel however, that a lot of meat eaters feel threatened by vegetarians and that is why they are so rude.

I also, feel that there are an awful lot of vegetarians that want to preach and convince meat eaters that they are wrong.

They are entitled to their opinions the same as vegetarians and Yahoo Answers is for us all.

I am a vegetarian and I love my diet, I wouldn't change for anything.
2006-05-23 18:08:43 UTC
Well, I'd have to say that the SIMPLE FACT that most people choose to become vegetarians is that we just plain FEEL SO MUCH BETTER WITHOUT MEAT IN OUR SYSTEMS & maybe we forgot (or never experienced) just how S-L-O-W everything gets when it is bogged down with rotting & undigested animal flesh in our bodies. I does effect the mind, ya know, so we should be patient with our meat eating Brothers & Sisters of this World! They are not wrong, they are simply a product of their environment!
2006-05-23 17:22:26 UTC
Meat eaters are so in your face and dont want to understand what they are doing is wrong because it may spoil their enjoyment of eating rotting flesh. I agree everyone has the right to an opinion, however, on this subject their answers are truly disgusting to anyone who sees things from the prospective of the animals and our health. P.S. I found your question under vegetarian/vegan, why are they here ????
2006-05-23 20:52:54 UTC
I dont think many people have read your question properly. I do not enjoy answering genuine questions, only to find some numbskull meat eater talking about the joys of a plateful of blood soaked meat either.

I wish they would concentrate on issues which interest them rather than be downright rude and arrogant.

Their comments disgust me and I think it is unnecessary as you do, however, they will continue, as they know no better.
2006-05-23 17:45:07 UTC
Because it's very easy to hide behind a computer screen and pick on people. It's also easy for them to be insecure about their weakness for the flesh and the irrational get so offended by the thought of someone doing the right thing, that they have to make childish moronic comments and spread lies. Are they threatened? Perhaps. But I don't understand all the anger because a group of people simply choose not to indulge in a certain thing and kill things for pleasure. Many people just don't have the mental capacity for reason, so we have to tolerate them in many different places, this being one of them.

If they are insulting, report them, as in any forum.
2006-05-23 17:08:07 UTC
I am a vegetarian. However, I do believe everyone is allowed to give their opinions. This area is not just for vegetarians/vegans, it's so everyone can talk about the subject, give their opinions, and learn.
2006-05-23 17:17:57 UTC
In 1930's Germany there lived a man named Adolph.He didn't like people who didn't eat pork.6 million dead later and the world saw that segregation wasn't a great idea.Tolerate others

and paradise may dawn here on earth instead of being something people only believe will happen after death.
2006-05-23 18:43:49 UTC
evereone has a right to post no offence im a meat eater but think it great 4 u that u dont
2006-05-23 17:10:04 UTC
Maybe because your question appears in the general questions. They see the question and don't check the category
2006-05-23 17:30:18 UTC
They probably don't understand. I am an occasional fish and chicken eater.
2006-05-23 17:08:07 UTC
because you start your questions with "why do meat eaters..." of course we are going to look.
2006-05-23 17:06:58 UTC
wow u r a vegitarian that is insane i wounder how pple can pass up a steak or better yet a burger sorry if i ofended u but i am trying to become one i just dont know how
2006-05-23 17:10:32 UTC
Because they're too lazy to pay attention to what they're doing (or eating.)
2006-05-23 17:08:48 UTC
Why does PETA do their crap to meat eaters?
2006-05-23 17:08:19 UTC
look in the mirror and smile. third and fourth tooth to the left or right of center, what is that one for again???
la jirafa
2006-05-23 17:06:25 UTC
why don't you just be open minded and see what others have to say? that's why you post a question right?
2006-05-23 17:09:37 UTC
nothing like a nice bloody steak straight from the slaughter house, mmmmmmm .... enjoy your salad.
mommy to Dayton & Anthony
2006-05-23 22:45:44 UTC
if you eat meat tou are the devil
2006-05-23 17:14:43 UTC
*shrug* If you are secure in your choice of eating habits, what does it matter what those with contrary views have to say?
2006-05-23 19:46:21 UTC
Wow, how bored are you that you let that get under your skin?
2006-05-23 17:06:04 UTC
because we are everywhere.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.