As with all meat, fish involves the deliberate slaughtering of a totally innocent animal. Because the animal doesn't want to die, it runs away and will struggle, scream and thrash around trying to get free.
Fishing is one of the worst farming practices. Because it's underneath water, where people don't live, they often don't see the horrible abuse. Live fish that are not "right", or the correct size, shape, or breed, are thrown back into their world half broken, with beaks, fins, tails snapped off.
Those that are kept, are just left to die, slowly. It's not like they're even put out of their ******* misery. I personally would like to bludgeon the people who do this, to the same slow agonizing end.
Hobbyists, such as fishermen out for the day, not much better imo. To catch a live animal only byt he skin around its mouth is just barbaric. I wonder how they'd like it.
To really put it across, watch these:
starts getting rich at 4.30- salmon fishing, small boats.
A bit long- this is a video on bottom trawling, where a LOT of fish you eat ( fish sticks, cod, plaice, fish and chips) are got from.
Your average tuna kill, this is how most fish get to you.