2012-01-25 12:50:04 UTC
I was just wondering why people are vegetarians. In school today we were doing about how we use animals for meat and were told how they are killed. A stun gun to the head, then they are unconcious etc and die. I dont really fancy going into great detail. Or there is the halal way where they slit its throat.
It was very off putting at first, and I thought ' Wow, I'm going to be a vegetarian.' But then I realised that we are designed to eat meat, and they way we kill animals is much more pleasant than how they are killed in the wild by other meat eaters.
So, really I just like to hear you views on it. I'm a great animal lover, and have dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs and a horse. I love my chickens very much but still eat Free Range chicken. The chickens have had a healthy life ( the free range ones I mean), so its ok, right? If we didn't eat them, a fox would, or cat, dog etc.
By the way, my chickens have a health life too !
And also, if you are an animal lover will you please sign the online petition to stop live animal skinning in China! Thankyou! http://animalsaviors.org/petition.html Here it is.